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Big Changes In Big Convention Cities

Big change is coming to the White House… but big change also to several key US convention cities. In some key campus infrastructure is not just being refurbished but entirely rebuilt. A useful roundup of five of them – Houston, Texas, Columbus, Ohio, Orlando, Florida, Louisville, Kentucky and New Orleans, Louisiana – from Jennifer Deinst at PCMA…

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Obama Administration Relaxes Guidelines on Conference Going

As the meetings industry prepares for a very different Trump Presidency (see Convene’s story posted elsewhere in News: What Will the Trump Administration Mean for Meetings?) here’s how President Barack Obama’s departure from the White House is contrasting to his arrival. From Association Meetings International… Obama Administration Relaxes Guidelines on Conference Going

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What Will the Trump Administration Mean for Meetings?

In 2009 President Obama criticised executives from companies bailed out by the taxpayer for holding meetings in Las Vegas. His comments were seen by the meetings industry as hugely damaging after the financial crisis. As the White House door revolves again, what now for the industry and President-elect Trump? Christopher Durso at Convene has been finding out…

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Launch of The Iceberg

A warm welcome to The Iceberg! Perhaps the unusual name of our industry supported campaign – loudly trumpeting the value of business and professional meetings and events – needs a little explanation. I hope this video we’ve made says it all. All revolutions should be televised! And here’s a great version of the iceberg analogy from our good friend…

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