Are Associations Still Relevant?

Barcelona Convention Bureau partnered with ASSOCIATION WORLD in London to convene UK-headquartered associations to address the relevance, resilience, and strategic development of their organisations.

Pick of the speakers, Paul Rulkens, a global expert in strategic high performance and popular TED speaker who offers advice and support to organisations including McKinsey, KPMG, Siemens, DuPont, Exxon Mobil, and Bosch.

The author of ‘The Power of Pre-eminence‘ and ‘How Successful Engineers Become Great Leaders’ used his extensive experience in the practical business applications of behavioural psychology, neuroscience, and especially, common sense, to prepare the association community ‘for anything’!

Rulkens provided a pathway to strategic organisational resilience and the avoidance of both the ‘Valley of Death’ and ‘Strategic Quitting’

Organisations can be categorised as ‘Stuck’, ‘Ivory Towered’, ‘Kumbayas’, or ‘High Performance’ depending upon their varying degrees of Vision and Connectedness, claimed Rulkens, as he provided the pathway to a Clarity of Vision, Strategy, and Plan.

An entertaining and deep-thinking presentation which culminated in his Top Tips: to understand and build on the organisation’s strengths, to look at the cultural standards of the organisation, and a digestible pathway – step by small step – beyond the Valley of Death!

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