Host Destination: Seoul

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Prague Tops Intellectual Capital Report

Prague is better than any other city at engaging with its locally-based association leaders to secure big meetings and conventions, says a new report. The Czech Republic’s capital has a 95 percent “harnessing ratio”, according to the Leveraging Intellectual Capital second edition just compiled by Iceberg partner GainingEdge. From Association Meetings International…

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Gen Z Renews the Call: The Imperative to Hold Regenerative Events

There is a huge disconnect between “sustainability” and what it will take for real change. Generation Z is passionate about reversing the climate crisis through individual means. This shift of mindset was also the topic of a past report for business events, The Regenerative Revolution, published by Iceberg partner IMEX Group and Marriott International. From PCMA…

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60th ICCA Congress Runs Again as Hybrid

Associations and the meetings sector have gathered across hub cities and via a virtual platform for the 60th ICCA Congress. Around 1,200 delegates from 83 countries attended the Iceberg partner event to enjoy 100 hours of live content. Hopes for one unified Congress in Colombia, were dashed by travel restrictions. From Conference & Meetings World…

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Good Practice Guidance: Addressing COVID-19 Requirements for Re-Opening Business Events –...

In March 2020, the Iceberg partners AIPC and UFI released good practice guidance to help members manage the unfolding crisis, and in April 2020, further guidance on repurposing a convention or exhibition centre to serve as a temporary emergency facility. It is a role that many centres embraced to serve their community in a time…

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Leveraging Intellectual Capital – The Inaugural Edition

Global convention sector consulting firm GainingEdge has launched the first annual report on leveraging the intellectual capital of convention destinations, based on an analysis of international association leadership. The research underpinning the Iceberg partner’s report identifies the relative strengths of 350 destinations via the presence of their local intellectual leaders in the governing bodies of international associations…

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“Intellectual Capital” Report Published

A new report names London the “intellectual capital” of the world. The study ranks destinations by the number of international association board members living in them. But the UK capital could attract more meetings by better “harnessing” its potential conference ambassadors. The report is from Iceberg partner GainingEdge. From Association Meetings International…

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59th ICCA Congress “Transforms Together”

Iceberg partner ICCA’s multi-hub, hybrid 59th Congress has concluded with a message of support delivered by Xavier Bettel, the Prime Minister of Luxembourg. Other highlights included the annual Copenhagen Lecture, and the creation of The Kaohsiung Protocol, a research crowdsourced framework for recovery. From Conference News…

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Malaysia Wins Slew of Association Meetings

Malaysia has proved the show must go on after winning several major association meetings. Convention and exhibition bureau MyCEB has secured 46 bids for meetings and events over the last three months, including international conventions such as the Asian-Ocean Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine 2024. From Association Meetings International…

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The 59th ICCA Congress: The Road to Kaohsiung

The 59th ICCA Congress in Kaohsiung is to showcase a unique and hybrid hub-and-spoke model, with regional events across the globe coinciding with the main congress and sharing the experience for those unable to attend it.  The locations include the main host destination, along with Kuching, Cape Town, Luxembourg, Malaga and Riyadh. An all-virtual option is…

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Seoul’s Events Recovery: Slow and Steady

Seoul cautiously resumed business events in June, starting with exhibitions and congresses. Dental meeting SIDEX was the first large-scale example with 4,860 attendees over two days. After their firm focus on sanitation protocols, organisers confirmed two weeks later that no COVID-19 cases had arisen after it. From Meetings & Incentive Travel…

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Korea’s Safety Subsidies Spur Reopening

Large trade fairs hosting thousands of visitors are already taking place in South Korea, which stemmed the spread of coronavirus and thus has one of the lowest death rates in the world. Until June 2021, funding is available for safety measures. Piece includes video from 5,000 delegate dental conference SIDEX. From Association Meetings International…

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Coronavirus: Managing Event Risk While Event Planners Still Can

What next? The question is haunting meeting and event planners as the COVID-19 shows its contempt for national borders. There’s now grim fascination in seeing organisations responding quite differently to the unfolding crisis, and what this then says about our attitude to “known unknowns”. From editor’s blog at Association Meetings International…

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Seoul Partnering with Other Korean Cities

The Seoul Convention Bureau is partnering with other Korean cities to promote business events. In 2019 nearly 7,000 delegates made use of co-marketing support provided by Seoul and Gangwon for incentive group tours. Currently Gangwon and Gwangju have agreements with Seoul, with four more cities joining up later in 2020. From Meetings International…

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Seoul Secures Six Major Meetings to Start 2020

Seoul is gearing up for a busy new year of international meetings, with six notable large-scale gatherings set to bring 17,200 participants to the city’s conference venues in the first half of 2020. The three biggest account for 10,900 of the total and are enjoying the destination’s event support programme PLUS SEOUL. From Boardroom…

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Endourology Congress Secured by Seoul

Seoul has been spotlit as a leading knowledge hub in minimally invasive urological surgery through securing the 2022 40th World Congress of Endourology. The event will bring around 2,500 specialists from 90 countries to the Coex Convention and Exhibition Center in Gangnam. Another Seoul sector event relayed live surgeries from local hospitals. From AMI Intellectual Capitals…

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PLUS SEOUL Raises the Bar in 2019

Seoul’s recent debut hosting of the International Bar Association Annual Conference is the latest example of global groups using the city’s PLUS SEOUL support service for meetings. The event follows in the footsteps of the International Organization for Standardization’s TC258 Plenary Meeting in September, which also made use of PLUS SEOUL. From Boardroom…

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Seoul and South Korea: Asia’s Alternative Destination

Seoul and wider South Korea have much to offer planners of meetings and incentives, and are competing strongly against other key Asian destinations like Singapore, Hong Kong and Malaysia. Big wins of late include the 31st World Congress on Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology. Seoul now lies tenth in ICCA rankings. From Meetings & Incentive Travel…

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PLUS SEOUL to Boost Meetings Business

The Seoul Convention Bureau has rolled out its 2019 PLUS SEOUL initiative to boost business events. As well as expanded core benefits of up to KRW 250,000,000 (previously KRW 150,000,000) for international conferences, PLUS SEOUL will cover developing event apps and VR, and the bureau has also designed new customised experiences for meetings. From Boardroom…

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Seoul Wins 40 Large Conferences in 2018

Seoul has secured 40 international conferences so far in 2018, which will bring in over 35,000 delegates. Twelve of the events are large-scale and account for around 25,000 attendees of the total. According to a recent UIA report, Seoul was the third most popular international meetings city from 2015 to 2017. From Association Meetings International…

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Seoul to Host 2021 Ultrasound Congress

Korea has secured its bid to host the 31st World Congress on Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology. The event will take place in Seoul over five days in 2021, and attract about 2,000 clinicians, academics and industry experts from 75 countries. The decision was just unveiled at the 2018 event in Singapore. From CIM News Magazine…

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