Host Destination: Austria

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Congress’ Knowledge Valued Close to €1bn

The monetary value of information presented at this year’s European Congress of Radiology in Vienna, amounted to €813m, according to a groundbreaking report. The total was arrived at by adding up the professional time spent compiling, and the research funding associated with, the content of the 3,331 papers presented. From AMI Intellectual Capitals…

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Putting a Price on the Knowledge Imparted at Events and Meetings

Can the knowledge imparted at a congress really be worth close to €1 billion? That’s the claim made by the European Society of Radiology and Vienna Convention Bureau about the European Congress of Radiology held in Vienna earlier this year. What does it say about the way we value knowledge? From editor’s blog at Association Meetings International…

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Vienna’s Mutschlechner Retires from CVB

The man who made Vienna a leading destination for international association meetings is retiring as director of its convention bureau after almost three decades in the post. Christian Mutschlechner served the Austrian capital’s CVB for 27 years, during which time Vienna has consistently been a top-three convention city. From Association Meetings International…

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Mutschlechner: Thought Leader and Game Changer

The retirement of Christian Mutschlechner from the Vienna Convention Bureau next year may, or may not, mean he is departing from the wider industry. But the fact Vienna consistently out-performed bigger cities, and has become one of the world’s top convention destinations, owes a great deal to him. From editor’s blog at Association Meetings International…

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Cape Town: Hosting the 2024 IAU General Assembly

At the recent General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union in Vienna, it was announced that Cape Town in South Africa will host the 2024 event. With huge projects including the MeerKAT, Square Kilometre Array, and Southern African Large Telescopes, the continent is now a knowledge hub for cutting-edge multi-wavelength astronomy. From the Event…

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EPCA Set for Annual Meeting in Vienna

In October the EPCA Annual Meeting for the international petrochemical business community will see around 3,000 participants from all over the world gathering in Vienna. This year the event will examine “Petrochemicals and the Low-Carbon Economy: Versatile Solutions for Greater Sustainability”. It will also hold the European Youth Debating Competition. From Boardroom…

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Vienna: Can “Liveability” Attract Conferences?

Vienna is the world’s most “liveable” city. That’s according to the annual Economist Intelligence Unit Global Liveability Index. It’s also the first city in Europe to top the survey: Melbourne had lead for seven years previously. But what is the link between “liveability” and actually attracting conference delegates? From editor’s blog at Association Meetings International…

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Austria Center Vienna Ready for European Council

In the second half of 2018 Austria will again hold the rotating presidency of the European Council. Most ministerial conferences and meetings attended by Council functionaries will take place at the Austria Center Vienna. These events will be held in areas that are separated from the venue’s day-to-day conference activities. From Boardroom…

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International Congresses Prove Crucial for Vienna

The Vienna Convention Bureau’s end-of-year results have underlined how crucial international association congresses are to a city’s balance sheet. Such events accounted for just 20 percent of meetings. But the segment represented 51 percent of the participants, 74 percent of the overnights and 79 percent of the €1.2 billion impact. From Association Meetings International…

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South Korea Builds Conference Business on the Winter Olympics

Building on the success of the 2018 PyeongChang Winter Olympics, Korea Tourism Organisation is organising a series of roadshows across Europe and America to promote South Korea as a conference and meeting destination. Vienna, Brussels, New York, Washington and London are on the itinerary, and several of Korea’s convention bureaux are exhibiting. From Association Meetings International…

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“Crazy Idea”: Psychotherapy Congress’ Freudian Walk

Sometimes meeting and destination are truly a perfect fit. In 2023 the World Council for Psychotherapy’s World Congress returns to its inaugural venue, the Sigmund Freud Private University in Vienna. With the city being the birthplace of Freud himself, the Vienna Convention Bureau suggested the “crazy idea” of a “Freudian walk”. Photo: Gugerell. From PCMA Convene…

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1 March 2018

ICCA Sector Destination Marketing Small Client/Supplier Business...

Organised for European destination marketing members who are looking to attract small conferences to their destination, the participating clients get the opportunity to meet people from other bureaux. They make initial contact with the sales team as well as learn the suitability of the destinations. Bureaux and clients are given a de-briefing session to get valuable…

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5 October 2017

6th ECM City Cards Expert Meeting, Vienna, Austria

This year’s City Cards Expert Meeting will focus on how to make your city card a success. Our broad approach will include presentations and discussions on latest product developments, successful partnerships, innovating marketing strategies and much more. Meet and network with European colleagues managing city cards schemes, share knowledge and insights to stay ahead of the latest…

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14 September 2017

13th TourMIS Users’ Workshop and International Seminar, Vienna

Organised by the European Travel Commission, European Cities Marketing & MODUL University Vienna, both events are directed toward managers, academics, as well as consultants and representatives of governments and international organizations dealing with tourism. Participants are invited to register for both days or can choose to participate in just one event.

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17 September 2017
17 September 2017