Host Destination: Germany

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IMEX Unveils Two-Year Talking Point: “Nature”

Iceberg partner IMEX Group has announced that its fourth annual “Talking Point” will address the power of “Nature” and include IMEX’s largest ever research study. The theme will run for two years not one, with the research being lead by Guy Bigwood, MD of Iceberg partner the Global Destination Sustainability Index. From Meetings International…

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Event Sustainability: Has the Emergency Already Been Sounded?

With a scientific consensus that we are already in a full-blown climate crisis, events are under widespread scrutiny for environmental impact. So are meetings now in a state of emergency? German Convention Bureau Director Matthias Schultze, UFI CEO Kai Hattendorf and Iceberg Founder James Latham are among the sector voices canvassed. From EventMB…

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Hamburg: Port to the World Plays the Music of Meetings

Germany’s second city, Hamburg, is “Port to the World”, and attracts maritime events as well as the renewable energies sector. Venue CCH (Congress Center Hamburg) reopens in 2020 to become the country’s largest conference facility. But the UK Institute of Acoustics drew on musical heritage for its own event. From Meetings & Incentive Travel…

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Meat-Free Meetings: The 2020 Commitment of a Trade Show Vegan

2019 was the year veganism went mainstream. In 2020 Veganuary, or going vegan for January, is bigger than ever. One Iceberg publishing partner is sampling fast food vegan options, went vegan at Associations UK Congress 2019, and will again at all 2020 events. From editor’s blog at Meetings & Incentive Travel…

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Matthias Schultze: 2020 Vision is Borderless Communication

Events always mirror society, and major trends like globalisation have transformed the meetings sector in recent years. At the dawn of a new decade, German Convention Bureau MD Matthias Schultze looks at which trends we should follow, including sustainability and new borderless multisite meeting formats. From Matthias Schultze via LinkedIn…

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Joint Approach Wins Rheumatism Congress

The European League Against Rheumatism is taking its huge congress to Frankfurt for the first time in almost two decades, after a city-wide effort to win the bid. More than 15,000 delegates are expected to attend the four-day meeting at Messe Frankfurt in June 2020, putting the city firmly on the medical-meetings map. From Association Meetings International…

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HCB’s Florian Gerdes on Hamburg: Capital German Non-Capital

Florian Gerdes is Marketing Manager Conventions at HCB, the Hamburg Convention Bureau. He describes here HCB’s approach to subvention during low demand, the relationship Hamburg has with UK, what the city has to offer the planners organising within prioritised knowledge sectors, its competition with Berlin and its recent secured bid wins. From Meetings & Incentive Travel…

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Frankfurt: Legacies of the 45th EBMT Annual Meeting

The 45th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation staged in Frankfurt, the world’s largest meeting for stem-cell therapy, was the result of close cooperation between the city, the venue and the scientific community. From Association Meetings International in collaboration with Conference & Incentive Management and Frankfurt Messe…

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17 June 2020

*EVENT CANCELLED* UFI International Summer University, Cologne, Germany

Given the current situation, the management team at Koelnmesse has decided not to hold any Koelnmesse events on the part of Koelnmesse during this period. Our decision is supported by the crisis management team of the City of Cologne, which also recommended in its meeting on 18 March 2020 that the trade fairs be cancelled…

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IMEX America 2019 Launches in Las Vegas

The first day of IMEX America in Las Vegas saw appointments, enquires and bookings for the event’s high-level meetings industry participants. IMEX attendee numbers, including exhibitors, are expected to exceed 13,000 people this year, with more than 70,000 appointments being held across the event. From Meetings & Incentive Travel…

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CWT: London Meetings Lead EMEA in 2020

CWT M&E has unveiled its ranking of the top ten cities for meetings and events in Europe, the Middle East and Africa in 2020, with London holding onto the coveted number one spot. The ranking is based on data in the CWT 2020 Future Trends in Meetings & Events report just out. From Meetings International…

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11 May 2020

*EVENT CANCELLED* IMEX Frankfurt 2020 EduMonday

*  *  *  EVENT CANCELLED  *  *  * It is with deep sadness and heavy hearts that we announce the cancellation of this year’s IMEX in Frankfurt. We know that this will come as an enormous disappointment, not only to the exhibitors, buyers and industry professionals who were due to attend the show, but also…

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12 May 2020


*  *  *  EVENT CANCELLED  *  *  * It is with deep sadness and heavy hearts that we announce the cancellation of this year’s IMEX in Frankfurt. We know that this will come as an enormous disappointment, not only to the exhibitors, buyers and industry professionals who were due to attend the show, but also…

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Below the Waterline Meets: Carina Bauer, IMEX CEO

The Iceberg is now identifying and celebrating the greater mass of hard-to-see business events legacies that lie hidden beneath the surface in a new podcast “Below the Waterline”. In the second of a series featuring significant meetings industry players, Iceberg founder James Latham catches up with the IMEX Group’s formidable CEO, Carina Bauer.   IMEX…

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Pharma Event Discusses Science of Healthcare Congresses Report

The findings of “The Science of Healthcare Congresses” (see Research), Ashfield Meetings & Events’ new study of over 200 healthcare professionals, was a focus of discussion at the 36th Pharma Fortbildungs-Forum in Cologne. Its results were presented by Ashfield’s Client Relationship Director Fabienne Wild. From Meetings & Incentive Travel…

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29 November 2019

EVVC: Teambuilding Seminar, Bruchsal, Germany

Teambuilding … how do you do that? – Why are employees so important to the company? The seminar content answers questions about motivation, communication and leadership. Based on practical examples of solutions, you tackle problems together with the speaker, for example – how do you achieve and promote teamwork and teambuilding? How can you increase the satisfaction…

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7 November 2019

EVVC: Win Customers Convincingly – Sales for Advanced Users, Gottingen, Germany

If potential customers do not buy, it’s not always because of the price, or because your location’s infrastructure is inappropriate for the event. If you address your customers in a solution-oriented manner, you will create trust in your service and give them the feeling of being understood and well cared for. Communicate with customers convincingly;…

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5 November 2019

EVVC: 10 Legal Traps for Executives, Bonn, Germany

If you also want to know how to avoid legal traps and ensure a successful, legally compliant event business as comprehensively as possible, you should attend this seminar. You will get to know the current legal requirements and discuss practical solutions comprehensively. Includes: Responsibilities and Duties of Executives and Business Leaders; Legal assignment of external companies…

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28 October 2019

EVVC: Heads Up! English for Performance and Event, Bergheim, Germany

English is unquestionably the language of the event industry. In cooperation and during the production planning with international customers a safe handling of the English language is indispensable. Central to the seminar concept is the teaching of the English language, individually tailored to the needs of the company and the course participants. The seminar deliberately focuses on…

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The Medical Legacies of Hamburg’s Healthcare Hub

Hamburg Convention Bureau is busy profiling the city as a medical hub. So is the soon-to-reopen CCH – Congress Center Hamburg. Home to internationally renowned doctors and hospitals, over 169,000 people work in Hamburg’s healthcare sector, or one employee in seven. As a result the city is securing one medical congress after another. From Boardroom…

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IMEX Gala Dinner Awards Presented

Professionals from right across the business events industry have been honoured in Frankfurt at the IMEX Gala Dinner. The 2019 JMIC Unity Award went to Joachim König, Director of Hannover Congress Centrum. Emile Coetzee from North-West University in South Africa won the MPI Foundation / Maritz Global Events Student Scholarship Award. From the Event…

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