Host Destination: Global

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The Metaverse: Better Networking at Hybrid Business Events

The “Metaverse”, as a concept, has been around for a long time. But it now looks set to become a reality and have significant impact within the events industry.Ā Harry Prince, the Creative Content Manager at venue finder Spacehuntr, explains how the Metaverse will improve networking for hybrid meetings. From Meetings & Incentive Travelā€¦  

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Marjorie Anderson on DEI: Definitions and Event Approaches

Marjorie Anderson, the Founder of Community by Association, tells the Deep Dive podcast how associations should be addressing DEI (diversity, equity and inclusion).Ā After definitive definitions of DEI, the conversation looks at how to be more inclusive at conferences, accommodating those delegates with impaired hearing or mobility, or with neurodiversity or photosensitivity.Ā From Association Meetings Internationalā€¦

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AC Forum President Carola van der Hoeff: Adapt and Diversify

Carola van der Hoeff is the new President of AC Forum (Associations and Conference Forum). In a broad interview on the Deep Dive podcast she discusses restarting association events, changing business models, building back better and organising her first webinar. As well as that, she looks forward to face-to-face IMEX meetings. From Associations Meetings Internationalā€¦

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MCI’s Nikki Walker: Associations and Events Through the Pandemic

According to Nikki Walker, who is Global Vice President Engagement, Associations and Communities at Iceberg partner MCI, associations are craving to get back to meeting face-to-face, yet prefer to hold a fully virtual substitute rather than hybrid. In this Deep Dive podcast, Walker examines how associations have evolved through COVID. From Associations Meetings International…  

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BestCities Global Forum: Three Legacy Journeys

The recent BestCities Global Forum explored how legacy-building with every conference can quickly lead to dramatic change. A trio of videos from the Iceberg partner event examines the ESTRO Madrid Project which yielded a ā‚¬700 million legacy for cancer patients, the new Madrid PLUS tool for creating legacy,Ā and the personal legacy of BestCities’ Jane Cunningham….

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UFI World Map of Exhibition Venues (2022 Edition)

This global census covers all exhibition venues with a minimum of 5,000 square metres of gross indoor exhibition space. Regionally, Europe is home to 39 percent of the worldā€™s total venue capacity, followed by the Asia-Pacific region (32 percent) and North America (20 percent). In terms of size, the number of ā€œmega venuesā€ (those with…

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Global Association Meetings Protocol – A Strategic Future for the Global Events Industry

Re-imagining the future of events during a global pandemic is one of the industry’s biggest challenges. During the 2020 ICCA Congress, Iceberg partner ICCA delivered the Kaohsiung Protocol as a strategic recovery framework to guide the global meetings and events industry forward. Now, thanks to the guidance and input of its global community, ICCA is…

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Digital Events Insights (PCMA and AC Forum)

COVID-19 has accelerated the delivery of events in a digital environment, thus impacting the way participants make the decision to attend and engage in events. Best practices are rapidly changing with few benchmarks to guide success for organisations delivering business events across various factors and formats. PCMA and the AC Forum embarked on a research…

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IBTM Trends Watch Report 2022

This report does its best to lean on both empirical evidence and highly credible opinion, that give a glimpse into both the immediate and long-term futures the industry faces. It looks at the past to predict the future, but also finds “grass root” trends that may grow to dominate how the sector goes about its…

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The Future Role and Purpose of Convention Bureaux

The Strategic Alliance of the National Convention Bureaux of Europe has published a white paper on The Future Role and Purpose of Convention Bureaux, providing a shared vision of the convention bureau of the future and a visionary roadmap for further developing the role of convention bureaux in the coming decade. Intended as a conversation…

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Convention Cities Index Lead by Germany

Three German cities are among the top ten destinations chosen for large international meetings, according to new figures in Northstar Meetings Groupā€™s Convention Cities Index. Frankfurt tops the list, with Cologne fifth and Hanover eighth. The update is the third publication of the index, which was launched in 2020. From Association Meetings Internationalā€¦

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New Year Brings New Curbs to Halt Omicron

The dawn of 2022 saw organisers of international association meetings grappling with more restrictions as governments tried to curb spread of the new Omicron variant.Ā Across the world countries tightened their rules about who could travel and where people could meet as the highly infectious strain caused a massive surge in cases. From Association Meetings Internationalā€¦

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Battle Fatigued Planners Face Omicron Variant

The spread of the Omicron variant of COVID-19 is causing havoc for meeting planners, with major events being cancelled or postponed right across Europe.Ā The World Economic Forum has postponed its high profile meeting in Davos, Switzerland. The in person event, scheduled for mid January, has been pushed back to the Summer. From Association Meetings International…

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Chemical Reaction: Science Conferences After the Pandemic

PCMA Editor-in-Chief Michelle Russell drew our attention to this discussion of how the model of scientific conference should be changing in the wake of the pandemic. It contains a fantastic example of serendipitous legacy, a chance meeting at a conference in Puerto Rico leading to some Nobel prize-winning CRISPR gene editing. From Chemistry World…

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A New Word for the Serendipity of Events: “Liminality”

If attendees are missing the chance encounter at virtual events, the lack of “liminal” space in the environment may be the culprit. This can also be missing at in person events. Julius Solaris, VP of Marketing Strategy, Events at event tech company Hopin, gives us a new idea for planned serendipity, “liminality”. From PCMA…  

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Making Events Inclusive Means Making Them Accessible for All

The bad experience of an Israeli minister, unable to enter a COP26 venue because she is a wheelchair user, reveals the distance planners still have to travel on accessibility and inclusivity. Lizzy Eaton, the Founder of Oddity Events and Marketing, remembers her own mistake on accessibility. From Meetings & Incentive Travelā€¦

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Scientists Unite to Shrink the Carbon Footprint in Research

From Radboud umc: Flying less is possible, as the COVID crisis has taught us over the past two years. This also applies to scientists who regularly fly around the globe for their work. A group of international scientists, led by Teun Bousema of Radboud university medical center, published on the carbon footprint of academic travel…

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Net Zero Carbon Events: COP26 Interviews II

The Net Zero Carbon Events pledge from the Joint Meetings Industry Council, which presents The Iceberg, has just been delivered at COP26. At the 60th Congress of our partner ICCA (International Congress and Convention Association), TheĀ Iceberg spokeĀ to Aileen Crawford of the Glasgow Convention Bureau and to Guy Bigwood of the Global Destination Sustainability Movement. Speaking…

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Net Zero Carbon Events: COP26 Interviews I

The Net Zero Carbon Events pledge from the Joint Meetings Industry Council, which presents The Iceberg, has just been delivered at COP26. Iceberg founder James Latham talks to former JMIC President Kai Hattendorf and Miguel Naranjo and Laura Lopez of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change about what it means for the sector….

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