Host Destination: Global

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The Science Of Healthcare Professional Meetings

Ashfield Meetings & Events is pleased to announce a 2018 follow-up study to the 2016 “Future Of Meetings” white paper. “The Science Of Healthcare Professional Meetings” compares and contrasts the perceptions of healthcare professionals (HCPs) across a wide variety of speciality areas, and dives deeper into the ongoing evolution of the medical meetings landscape. By looking…

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Incentive Travel: Weighing the Worth

With the Events Industry Council’s “Economic Significance of Meetings to the US Economy” now out, and after incentive sector specific research from both the Society for Incentive Travel Excellence and the Incentive Research Foundation, how far do such reports correctly quantify the real impact and worth of incentive travel? From SoolNua’s Pádraic Gilligan at Padraicino…

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The Road Ahead: BESydney’s Lyn Lewis-Smith

The business events industry is changing faster than perhaps ever before. Each year we see new and exciting developments brought about by rapid evolution of technology, growing understanding of how business events can create value, and changing priorities and expectations of host organisations and their delegates. So what’s next? From Lyn Lewis-Smith via LinkedIn…

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Face to Face the “Preferred Channel” for Healthcare

Meeting face to face is still highly valued in the digital age, according to Ashfield Meetings & Events’ 2018 follow up to its 2016 “Future of Meetings” white paper. Healthcare professionals are now saying their “preferred channel” to receive and learn medical content is through attendance at a scientific congress or meeting. From…

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Intellectual Capitals, Not Second-Tier Cities

Medium-sized cities avoid the “second-tier” label by positioning themselves as knowledge or innovation hubs to win international meetings business, according to a new report. “The Rise of Midsize Cities in the Meetings Industry”, commissioned by trade show owner IMEX Group, says smaller destinations are increasingly using size to their advantage. From Association Meetings International…

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IAPCO Will “Keep Thinking Big” Says New President Posch

The new President of the International Association of Professional Congress Organisers, Mathias Posch, wants the organisation to “keep thinking big”. He also wants to increase IAPCO’s footprint in Asia and Latin America. Mr. Posch was recently elected President at IAPCO’s largest-ever annual general assembly in Tokyo. From Association Meetings International…

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World Parkinson Congress: A Patient Legacy

The Iceberg has previously reported how the World Parkinson Congress’ involvement of patients won it one of ICCA and BestCities Global Alliances “Incredible Impacts” awards. Here Elizabeth “Eli” Pollard, Executive Director of the World Parkinson Coalition, describes in further detail her organisation’s approach to creating a patient legacy in its host cities. From Boardroom…  

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Global Exhibition Barometer 20th Edition (January 2018)

This study is based on a global survey, concluded in January 2018. It represents up to date information on the development and the outlook of the global exhibition industry as well as on 17 specific countries and geographic zones. Global Exhibition Barometer 20th Edition (January 2018)

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Sherrif Karamat: Vision Through Disruption

The Professional Convention Management Association’s new President and CEO is Sherrif Karamat, previously the PCMA COO. In the first of a monthly column he’ll be writing as part of his new post, Sherrif contrasts the legacies of conferences and conventions with the current disruption faced by almost every sector. From PCMA Convene…

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Harassment: Beyond the Hashtag

After the Presidents Club Dinner, it was the charity sector that took the heat, while meetings and events whistled a tune and looked the other way. Coming research will show that the MI also has a problem. But perhaps the response needs to be proportionate and in context. From editor’s blog at Association Meetings International…

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Association Legacies: Three Opportunities and More

The word “legacy” is much used, especially in the context of what associations leave behind after their events in any destination. Beyond the idea of a “gift” or “bequest”, an act of love, charity and care, a recent article defines legacy in terms of community engagement, meeting content, and the transfer of skills. From Boardroom…

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Meeting and Event Greening: Myths and Truths

It is quite likely you have already heard a lot about meeting and event greening, but how much of what you know is actually true? As with all new things, there can be confusion and misinformation. The Event Greening Forum unpacks some common myths about sector greening and sets the record straight. From the Event…

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Association Meetings: Rethinking the Model

Associations are increasingly reexamining traditional approaches to creating meeting and event programmes. Delegate numbers are broadly rising, but audiences continue to demand more engagement and specialist content. Organisations need to balance effective continual professional development with giving delegates content curated around their specialities: creating a legacy of knowledge across often global memberships. From Boardroom…

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All-Male Events Decades Out of Date, Says ICCA’s Martin Sirk

Men-only business events and ‘decorative hostesses’ should have been “thrown on the scrapheap decades ago”, says the CEO of the International Congress and Convention Association. But Martin Sirk said the recent Presidents Club scandal should not be seen as typical of the sector. The industry had previously been attacked for its response. From Association Meetings International…

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Sexual Harassment Rife at Meetings, Survey Says

A survey of female event professionals shows that 61 percent have encountered inappropriate behaviour within the industry. Many said complaints of harassment had been laughed off or they were told not to make a fuss. One answered “I have been told that this kind of thing is just ‘what happens in the industry’”. From…

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Exhibition Industry Set to Grow Through 2018

The exhibition industry is facing a positive year ahead after strong results in 2017, according to the 20th edition of UFI’s Global Barometer. More than 70 per cent of the sector anticipates revenue growth in 2018. The headline business issues remain the state of the economy in home markets, and global economic development. From CIM News Magazine…

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6 June 2018

Global Exhibitions Day 2018

Global Exhibitions Day is a chance to celebrate the exhibition industry and highlight its positive impact on jobs, business, innovation and local investment. Online, and through an array of national and local events, people on every continent are expected to join the GED18 campaign, from venues and organisers to students, local partners and public authorities.

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Medical Conferences: A Healthy Future?

Artificial intelligence, virtual and augmented reality, 3D printing, wearables, telemedicine: the convergence of healthcare and technology is reaching an inflection point at a time when other pressures are putting the squeeze on medical meetings. How can they stay relevant if the entire structure of healthcare is about to fundamentally change? From PCMA Convene…  

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