Host Destination: Guadalajara

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Inside the Bid Process for the 2027 World Physiotherapy Congress

From BestCities: Guadalajara, the newest destination to join BestCities Global Alliance, is celebrating a major bid win to host the prestigious World Physiotherapy Congress in 2027. The eighth BestCities member destination to host the biannual event, Guadalajara was selected through a rigorous bid process that evaluates a number of factors related to the potential host…

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Guadalajara to Host World Physiotherapy Congress 2027

From M&IT: Guadalajara in Mexico, a member of the BestCities Alliance, has been selected as the host city for the World Physiotherapy Congress 2027. The successful bid was a collaborative effort between the AMEFI National College of Physical Therapy, the Mexican Association of Physical Therapy and the Guadalajara Convention and Visitors Bureau. World Physiotherapy represents…

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Guadalajara: Social Progress Starts With Innovation

Known for the close connection to its people, Guadalajara in Mexico has set a steady course to help elevate their quality of life through innovation and the strategic attraction of business events. With extensive support from the government, Guadalajara is consolidating its 4.0 economy while promoting its strengths in the meetings industry. From Boardroom Global…

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Meeting Guadalajara: Joining BestCities Global Alliance

This May the BestCities Global Alliance community of convention destinations welcomed Guadalajara, Mexico, as its twelfth member. The city earned its place through a shared commitment to support meetings that create a positive impact. Guadalajara went through a stringent process to join the Iceberg partner, including a detailed site inspection and tour of the city….

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Good Practice Guidance: Addressing COVID-19 Requirements for Re...

In March 2020, the Iceberg partners AIPC and UFI released good practice guidance to help members manage the unfolding crisis, and in April 2020, further guidance on repurposing a convention or exhibition centre to serve as a temporary emergency facility. It is a role that many centres embraced to serve their community in a time…

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Guadalajara: Economic Transformation Through Events

A recent trip to Guadalajara, Mexico, including both The Iceberg and its partner Boardroom, revealed a lot about this emerging conference destination. In this second video from the Jalisco state capital we hear discussed two key sectors earmarked for growth – high tech and creative – and the role of events in shaping that legacy. From Boardroom…

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Guadalajara: Meeting Legacies in Public Health

A recent trip to Guadalajara, Mexico, including both The Iceberg and its partner Boardroom, revealed a lot about this emerging conference destination. Also visiting the Jalisco state capital and life sciences hub of Latin America was Professor Bettina Borisch, Executive Director of the World Federation of Public Health Associations. From Boardroom…

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7 August 2018

IAPCO EDGE Seminar, Guadalajara, Mexico

An IAPCO EDGE embraces all sectors of the Meetings Industry. The target audience is PCOs/Meeting Planners; National/International Organisations/Associations; Convention Bureaux/Tourism Bodies; Congress Centres/Conference Hotels; Exhibition Managers; Pharma and Medical Device Companies; DMCs; AMCs; Travel Agencies.

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