Host Destination: Montreal

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BE Montreal Launches Attendance Guarantee

In what is claimed to be a first for the meetings and events industry, Business Events Montreal has just launched its Guaranteed Success Pledge. So confident is the city that planners will reach their attendance target numbers, that it will honour its financial commitment for the anticipated number if they don’t. From Boardroom…

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Montreal’s Palais Opens CITE Centre

The Palais des congrès de Montréal is opening its CITE Event Innovation and Technology Centre, in order to help organisers with reinventing the experience they offer through the expertise of local startups. A dozen firms have joined or will be joining the centre, ultimately in a full-scale co-working space. From Boardroom…

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Aerospace Hubs: Star Cities and Orbiting Meetings

Toulouse, Montreal, Singapore, along with Seattle, South East England and Bengalaru in India, are all destinations with clusters of innovation in aerospace. Where knowledge collects, so do associated meetings, so these hubs of expertise in this exciting sector are also attracting significant international events. From Association Meetings International…

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Montreal Palais Partners on Sustainability

The Palais des congrès de Montréal has put together a Sustainability Innovation Committee made up of experts from institutions including ten Quebec universities. The group’s purpose will be to facilitate sharing academic research in the field, and to identify research partnership opportunities between the venue and sustainability organisations. From Boardroom…

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Montreal’s Palais Joins Sustainability Agenda

The Palais des congrès de Montréal has announced that it is joining the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. As well as making daily efforts to reduce its environmental footprint, the venue has also become one of the first centres in the Americas to say its building will be going carbon neutral. From Boardroom…

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Montreal’s Nursing Knowledge Attracts Major Meeting

Montreal, a city cofounded by the first lay nurse in North America, has secured the International Council of Nurses Congress in 2023. More than 8,000 nursing professionals are set to attend the event, which is expected to generate almost $21.4 million in economic benefit for Montreal and Quebec. From AMI Intellectual Capitals…

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Geneviève Leclerc

Co-founder, #MEET4IMPACT

Website: View website

Geneviève is a Canadian industry professional based in Montreal. She has 26 years of experience in congress management and consultancy services for national and international associations and has managed international events in over 20 countries. Geneviève has been active at elevating the industry’s capacity in sustainability and value creation since 2006, when she was an…

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13 June 2019

ICCA Destination Marketing International Client/Supplier Business Workshop, Montreal, Canada

During the workshop, the participating clients get the opportunity to meet people from a minimum of nine or a maximum of fourteen other bureaux. They make initial contact with the sales team as well as learn the suitability (or otherwise) of the destinations in a way that would otherwise have been time consuming and would have…

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Montreal Honours its $73m Ambassadors

Ambassadors who helped bring a dozen international meetings to Montreal have been honoured by the city at a gala dinner. The events, covering everything from AI to thrombosis, are expected to attract 32,000 delegates and pump $73m into the province. Eighteen individuals were toasted at the Palais des congrès de Montréal function. From Association Meetings International…

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Montreal’s Palais Creates Multisector Strategic Taskforce

The Palais des congrès de Montréal has assembled a group of leaders from eight of the city’s significant economic sectors into a Multisector Strategic Taskforce. Their mission will be to establish ties with key influencers who will actively help attract major international meetings to Montreal and to the Palais des congrès de Montréal itself. From Boardroom…

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Business Events Canada Stages Event to Attract ICT

Business Events Canada is to host Innovate Canada, its first sector-focused event for Information and Communications Technology. The three day meeting, taking place in Montreal during May, will discuss artificial intelligence and deep learning, VFX and gaming, life sciences and health tech, plus data centres and cybersecurity. Photo: Guerinf. From…

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Montreal: Scientific Pioneer

Montreal has become Canada’s cultural capital: not quite North American, but not entirely European either. Already home to top-notch researchers in fields like genetics, aging, economics and life sciences, Montreal’s scientific community is building on its international reputation. It is doing this both by winning scientific awards and by attracting large-scale international conventions. From Boardroom…

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24 May 2017

C2 Montréal – Experiential Event, Canada

MPI’s Experiential Event Series will offer attendees a unique behind the scenes experience to event design to explore the relationship between commerce and creativity, and its potential to redefine business. Each year, in a collaborative environment specifically designed to provoke collisions and spark new ideas, C2 Montréal inspires 5,000 executives across continents and industries to…

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