Host Destination: South Africa

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“Madiba’s Children”: Bridging the Generation Divide

During Meetings Africa 2019 held recently in Johannesburg, a noticeable change of tone was detected in the young doctors and scientists attending the Association Day presented by the International Congress and Convention Association (ICCA). It was a clear message to established medical association leaders that “Madiba’s Children” have arrived with legacy in their hearts. One…

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Wesgro Holds Meeting on Medical Cannabis

Wesgro, the tourism, trade and investment agency for Cape Town and the Western Cape, has hosted a first meeting around the potential of medical cannabis in South Africa. CEO Tim Harris said: “It is not often that an entire new global industry emerges from nothing to a $50 billion-plus sector”. From the Event…

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25 February 2019

ICCA Meetings Africa Association Day, Johannesburg

The seminar is an ideal opportunity for ICCA Africa members and Association Executives to come together to exchange knowledge and network.  The Seminar will cover all aspects of improving the efficiency and effectiveness of meetings and at the same time is a unique opportunity for ICCA Africa members to understand client objectives and for the…

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18 June 2019

Amanda Kotze-Nhlapo Honoured with Award

Amanda Kotze-Nhlapo, South African Tourism’s Chief Convention Officer, has received a prestigious lifetime achievement award. Also a previous winner at the Top 40 Women in MICE (meetings, incentives, conferences and exhibitions) awards, Kotze-Nhlapo was delighted by her achievement, and was congratulated publicly by South African Tourism CEO Sisa Ntshona. From the Event…

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Business Events Sector Bullish at SAACI Congress

South Africa’s business events sector was in bullish voice at the congress of the Southern African Association for the Conference Industry in Johannesburg. Tourism Minister Derek Hanekom said the sector contributed R115 billion to the economy in 2017. 84 bids have already been secured between 2018 and 2022, an impact of R3,1 billion. From the Event…

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Configuring Confident Confexes

Exhibitions at conferences, or confexes, provide a wealth of opportunities to improve the delegate experience. South African confexes are on a par with the rest of the world. They share similar trends in the increasing use of technology, in improving conference content, and in a greater focus on networking opportunities. From the Event…

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South Africa: Winning Incentive Strategies

Looking at the country through the eyes of an incentive travel planner reveals there are myriad ways to unpack and repackage the “South African experience”. Requests still come in for the traditional offerings like safaris and beach trips. But planners are all about looking at locations with a fresh eye. From the Event…

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27 February 2018

Meetings Africa, Johannesburg, SA

Meetings Africa showcases Africa’s diverse offering of services and products where African associations and African meetings industry professionals can partner to help transform our continent. Meet 400 highly qualified hosted buyers; Face-to-face meetings with key decision-makers; Targeted business matchmaking (online diary system); Network with industry colleagues across multiple sectors; Launch new product and service offerings;…

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South Africa: A Guide to the Subvention Fund

At Meetings Africa 2017 a R110 million subvention fund was announced, part of the South African Government’s R494 million tourism allocation for the next three years. It has already assisted organisers in bringing association meetings to South Africa. So who is eligible for this funding and how does one apply for it? From the Event…

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Africa: The Event / The Iceberg Special Report

At Meetings Africa 2017, South Africa announced a bidding fund to target and win international association conferences and meetings. But subvention can be a mistake if not clearly linked to encouraging growth in key knowledge sectors. A special Event video report – produced in partnership with The Iceberg – explores the role the meetings industry will play in African economic development.

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1 November 2017

84th UFI Global Congress, Johannesburg, South Africa

(UFI Members Only.) UFI is the leading global association of the world’s tradeshow organisers and exhibition centre operators, as well as the major national and international exhibition associations, and selected partners of the exhibition industry. UFI’s main goal is to represent, promote and support the business interests of its members and the exhibition industry.

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19 July 2017
5 June 2017

Meeting Architecture International Masterclass, Pretoria, South Africa

Meeting professionals from around the world, but especially from Africa and South Africa are invited to attend this International Masterclass to learn about the latest advancement in meeting design and how technology can change the way meetings are held; to advance knowledge and develop skills in the discipline of Meeting Architecture; and to increase value…

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