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The Future of Meetings: In the Coming Decade Reality Will be Virtual

What will the meetings industry look like in 2029? New tech, spiralling travel costs, legislation about the environment and “flight guilt” will transform the sector. The industry will still thrive. The need to “meet” will not go away. But “meeting” will more often be through a screen. From editor’s blog at Association Meetings International…

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ECM Conference Talks Transformation for Sustainability

The international conference just staged in Ljubljana, Slovenia, by Iceberg partner European Cities Marketing included thoughts about destination sustainability from Nobel prize winner and climatologist Lučka Kajfež Bogataj. Another Iceberg partner participating, the Global Destination Sustainability Index, also released its third white paper. From European Cities Marketing…

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Associations Differing with Destinations on Outreach and Legacy

The perspectives on outreach and legacy of associations, compared with destinations, have significant differences. So says a new study by MeetDenmark, the development association for business and event tourism in Denmark, and meetings consultancy and Iceberg partner GainingEdge. But the study also shows common ground to build on. From Boardroom…

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The Dubai Association Conference Spotlights Impact and Legacy

How can associations grow in a manner that creates a positive impact on society? This is the key question the five-year-old Dubai Association Centre is aiming to address this December at the Dubai World Trade Centre in the second edition of the Dubai Association Conference. Impact and legacy will be centre stage. From Boardroom…

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Festivalisation: The Immersive Future of Association Congresses

Festivalisation refers to a process of making existing meeting structures more engaging, more immersive, and more tailored to the individual. The word is everywhere and may sound like a gimmick, but there’s a serious side to it, which might determine whether your congress lives to see another ten years. From Association Meetings International…

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The Future of Congress Centres: AIPC Annual Conference 2019

Iceberg partner AIPC, international association of congress centres, has just held its annual conference in Antwerp. At the Flanders Meeting and Convention Center, next to the city zoo, 150 delegates discussed future economics of such venues, the technology transforming them, and the expectations of big clients like Sibos and the European Society of Cardiology. From Boardroom…

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WorldMUN2020 and WCPT 2023 in Tokyo

Tokyo has secured two significant international meetings: the 29th Harvard World Model United Nations in 2020 and the World Confederation for Physical Therapy General Meeting and Congress in 2023. WCPT’s congress is expected to attract over 6,000 delegates. WorldMUN 2020 is expected to draw more than 2,100 university students. From Boardroom…

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China-LAC 2017 at the Punta del Este C & EC

The China-LAC Summit is an annual event organised by the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB). It is a key entrepreneurial event for companies from China and the Latin American and Caribbean countries. The Punta del Este Convention and Exhibition Center was honored to host the 11th edition of…

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