Global Association Hubs Newsletter | March 2024
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From Destinations International, by Jack Johnson: Every year, the Academy Awards airs in late winter (this year, it is March 10). For non-movie lovers, this is the annual event held by the United States-based Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences to present its Academy Awards of Merit, better known as the Oscars. The awards…
Chief Executive Officer of Business Events Sarawak and The Iceberg Ambassador Amelia Roziman ABS CIS combines with GainingEdge Chairman, Gary Grimmer, to share the success of her organisation as she prepares to host of the first ever ICCA Association Impact Masterclass being held in Kuching in April. Alignment to the 10-Year Development Strategy of the…
If associations don’t adapt, then they’ll be at the mercy of competitive forces claims Martin Sirk speaking from the IBTM World Association Leaders Forum hosted by the European Society of Association Executives (ESAE). The intellectual source-code to The Iceberg and owner of Sirk Serendipity is the international advisor to the Global Association Hubs Partnership (GAHP)…
From Conference & Meetings World: Kit Lykketoft, director of conventions, Wonderful Copenhagen spoke to CMW and delved into the importance of sustainable practices, Copenhagen’s reputation as a hub for innovation, and the enduring legacies and impacts of events in this vibrant city. Kit shares insights and experiences that shed light on how Copenhagen is leading…
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