Sector: PCO

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Maths Ambassadors win Sydney Congress

Support from a who’s-who of top Australian scientific minds has just secured ICME15 for Sydney in 2024. The International Congress on Mathematical Education is the largest event in its field, and was won by advocates including Australia’s Chief Scientist, one leading mathematician, and a YouTube sensation maths teacher. From AMI Intellectual Capitals…

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Bordeaux is 49th City for GDS-Index

Bordeaux Convention Bureau has become the 49th DMO (destination marketing organisation) to join the Global Destination Sustainability Index, an Iceberg partner that ranks cities by their environmental performance. The wine capital of the world is a hub for meetings of the medical industry, academia and learning, the digital economy and aeronautics. From Association Meetings International…

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International Events Increase in Italy

Italy has seen a jump in international events it stages with major overseas participation, up from 7.9 percent in 2017 to 8.1 percent in 2018. Overall conferences and events held in Italy rose by 5.8 percent in 2018, with delegates down by 2.4 percent after a fall in international association conferences. From Meetings & Incentive Travel…

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Sustainability Goals for Climate Action Week

The London Convention Bureau has asked UK hospitality tourism players during London Climate Action Week to sign up to commitments in the Mayor of London’s environment strategy. The week was launched by Mayor Sadiq Khan as a drive to make the UK capital a leader in tackling climate change. From Meetings & Incentive Travel…

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The Future of Meetings: In the Coming Decade Reality Will be Virtual

What will the meetings industry look like in 2029? New tech, spiralling travel costs, legislation about the environment and “flight guilt” will transform the sector. The industry will still thrive. The need to “meet” will not go away. But “meeting” will more often be through a screen. From editor’s blog at Association Meetings International…

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The Future of Congress Centres: AIPC Annual Conference 2019

Iceberg partner AIPC, international association of congress centres, has just held its annual conference in Antwerp. At the Flanders Meeting and Convention Center, next to the city zoo, 150 delegates discussed future economics of such venues, the technology transforming them, and the expectations of big clients like Sibos and the European Society of Cardiology. From Boardroom…

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Festivalisation: The Immersive Future of Association Congresses

Festivalisation refers to a process of making existing meeting structures more engaging, more immersive, and more tailored to the individual. The word is everywhere and may sound like a gimmick, but there’s a serious side to it, which might determine whether your congress lives to see another ten years. From Association Meetings International…

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ECM Conference Talks Transformation for Sustainability

The international conference just staged in Ljubljana, Slovenia, by Iceberg partner European Cities Marketing included thoughts about destination sustainability from Nobel prize winner and climatologist Lučka Kajfež Bogataj. Another Iceberg partner participating, the Global Destination Sustainability Index, also released its third white paper. From European Cities Marketing…

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JMIC’s Legacy Report: Sharing Stories Gives Advocacy Weight

“Business Events Legacies”, the Joint Meetings Industry Council’s recent report, reveals “significant” failings in the way governments measure the true value delivered by conferences, congresses and trade shows. But further sharing of sector impact stories could give the report weight in the battle to convince the world of the industry’s worth. From UFI…

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Kai Hattendorf: UN SDGs, UFI, JMIC and the Global Alliance

After enduring record temperatures at sector meetings, the CEO of UFI, global association of the exhibition industry, muses on its recent report about supporting UN Sustainable Development Goals. The Joint Meetings Industry Council is doing similar work, plus Iceberg partners UFI, ICCA and AIPC have launched a Global Alliance. From Kai Hattendorf via LinkedIn…

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Collaboration Versus Consolidation in MI Trade Associations

The meetings and events industry is served by many international trade associations, quite a few of them partners of the Iceberg. Some have formalised collaborations, the latest being The Global Alliance, a sharing of content between ICCA, UFI and AIPC. But are there still too many for the sector? From editor’s blog at Association Meetings International…

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Associations Differing with Destinations on Outreach and Legacy

The perspectives on outreach and legacy of associations, compared with destinations, have significant differences. So says a new study by MeetDenmark, the development association for business and event tourism in Denmark, and meetings consultancy and Iceberg partner GainingEdge. But the study also shows common ground to build on. From Boardroom…

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Business Events Legacies: JMIC Case Study Project Report

This project collected, analysed and synthesised the findings of all prior Joint Meetings Industry Council Case Studies to deliver a verdict on the broader contributions that conferences, congresses, trade shows, convention centres and bureaux deliver to destinations, communities, industries and economies. The cases were drawn from four continents: Europe, Asia, South America and Australia. The…

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Business Events: Counting More Than Coffee Cups

A multi-year, international study of business events has found a mismatch between how governments value the sector and its broader long-term outcomes, with researchers recommending ways the industry can better document these legacies. The report is a compendium of the Joint Meetings Industry Council Case Studies hosted right here on The Iceberg. From Meetings International…

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The Taiwanese Tech Drawing Major Meetings

Taiwan is now one of its region’s most dynamic economies, with industry specialties including IT, telecommunications and semiconductors. Government-driven and foreign investment assists Taiwanese firms venturing into areas like artificial intelligence, blockchain, fifth-generation telecoms, gaming, Internet of Things (IoT) and virtual reality. The sector is also attracting meetings. From Boardroom…

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2019 Global Event Trends Report

What’s trending around the globe in the events industry? With the help of its international partners, Maritz Global Events investigated the current state of the field and narrowed down the top five trends affecting the event industry right now. These global experts and local champions from the industry share their take, and provide a diverse…

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2018 ICCA Statistics Report: Country & City Rankings

The release of the 2018 ICCA Statistics Report: Country & City Rankings marks yet another successful year for the association meetings market. The International Congress and Convention Association captured a total of 12,937 rotating association meetings taking place in 2018, an increase of 379 compared to the number recorded at the same time in 2017. This…

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The 2019 IACC Meeting Room of the Future

Now in its third edition, this report brings together insights from meeting planners, IACC members and industry experts from around the globe. Initially published in 2016, the IACC Meeting Room of the Future™ report provided an overview and foundational benchmarks on meeting industry trends. The 2019 report builds on the findings from both the 2017…

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ISTH Set to Mark 50 Years in Melbourne

The International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis is gearing up to hold its landmark 50th anniversary congress in Melbourne, Australia. More than 5,000 delegates from 90 countries will attend, and 2,136 scientific abstracts from over 75 countries have been submitted by clinicians, scientists, academics and students. From Association Meetings International…

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WPC 2023 “Critical” for Calgary Economy

Calgary will be welcoming 5,000 oil and gas professionals when it hosts the World Petroleum Congress in 2023. The city won a vote of the World Petroleum Council in St Petersburg, edging out fellow finalist Baku, by just 21 votes to 20. Calgary stands to earn $65 million from the event. From Association Meetings International…

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Gateshead Quays to Create 1,000 New Jobs

The £260 million Gateshead Quays will create more than 1,000 new jobs for the UK’s North East. The development, to be completed by 2023, has 6,300 square metres of exhibition space and 2,800 square metres of meeting rooms. There are also hotels, a performance area, and offsite parking. From Meetings & Incentive Travel…

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