Sector: Business Events

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Anna Look

Founder, Look Ahead Consulting

Website: View website

Anna is a business event and tourism professional with European and Canadian expertise. She studied for her career at the University of Brighton in the UK and subsequently worked for international tour operators Thomas Cook and Cosmosair group before emigrating to Canada in 2005. British Columbia was her home for the first eight years, honing…

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The African Opportunity for Associations

Africa is home to some of the world’s fastest-growing economies as well as more than half of the world’s youth population. Whilst there is poverty in Africa, there is also a growing middle class of educated people with significant purchasing power living in large urban centres. From Meetings International…

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Global Economic Impact of Exhibitions | 2022 Edition

To quantify the economic significance of exhibitions globally, Oxford Economics has prepared a comprehensive model of global exhibitions activity that references recent studies on their economic significance. The results of this study show the scope of the global exhibition sector in terms of direct spending and jobs, as well as the total impacts of exhibitions…

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5 October 2022

Asia CEO Summit, Singapore

The Asia CEO Summit is the region’s definitive networking and learning event for leading Global CEOs from exhibition organising companies. The region’s business events community has been kept physically apart by the pandemic over the past 2 years. As Asia reopens and transits to a Covid endemic new normal, it’s time for the industry to come…

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