Sector: Business Events

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19 August 2020

ICCA | Middle East Conversations, Online

Join the ICCA Middle East Conversations: Creating new relevance as a destination among the association community, as we move forward on the path to recovery and beyond COVID-19, we are confident that business events and association meetings will lead the way and play a pivotal role in the global economic recovery – 12:00 (CET) |…

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15 December 2020

ICCA Asia Pacific Chapter Summit 2020, Yokahama, Japan

This event will see ICCA Asia Pacific Chapter – the largest Chapter in ICCA’s global membership with nearly 300 members coming in full force, enabling Xiamen to showcase its local expertise to international attendees to encourage collaboration, innovation and business exchange. In turn, Asia Pacific delegates will be provided with opportunities to advance their knowledge…

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2 July 2020

WEBINAR | JMIC Manifesto for Economic Recovery Using Business Events

JMIC, together with AIME, IBTM, IMEX and Meetings Africa, is releasing a 2-part webinar showcasing the industry speaking with one voice. Input from industry leaders and commentators being used to complete an Industry Manifesto delivering joint messaging for our sector. At JMIC, we’ve asked the leaders of associations and leading experts in our sector to…

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Virginie De Visscher

Executive Director, Business Events, Destination Canada

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Having lived and worked in Asia, Africa and Europe before moving to Canada in 2010, Virginie is the Senior Director of Business Development – Economic Sectors for Destination Canada Business Events (DCBE), Virginie is responsible for leading the development and implementation of DCBE’s global economic sector strategy and team to increase overnight visitations to Canada…

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How Canada’s National Meetings Strategy is Driving Regional Economic...

The most progressive destinations worldwide are positioning themselves as thought leaders in specific advanced industries to engage meeting and event organizers active in those industries. Rather than selling a city based solely on its infrastructure, access and capacity, destination marketing and management organizations (DMMOs) are also promoting their most significant clusters in STEM sectors to…

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PCMA, PCMA Foundation and CEMA educate, inspire, and listen, creating meaningful experiences where passion, purpose and commerce come together. We are the world’s largest community for Business Events Strategists, providing senior-level education, networking, and market intelligence for the global business events industry. Our mission is to drive social and economic progress through business events. Headquartered…

Phone: +1 312 423 7262

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