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Destination Canada: Leaving Sector Legacies

Virginie De Visscher is Senior Director of Business Development – Economic Sectors at Destination Canada. She is also an Iceberg ambassador. In two video viewpoints, she outlines Canada’s economic sector-specific approach to destination marketing and the increasing focus the organisation is now placing on both leaving business event legacies and on measuring their final impact….

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Business Travel Fares Rising Through 2023

Global travel prices are predicted to continue to increase in 2022 and then throughout 2023, says the 2023 Global Business Travel Forecast. Published by CWT, the study covers the drivers behind the increasing prices. According to the report, these are rising fuel prices, labour shortages, and inflationary pressure on material costs. From Conference & Meetings World…

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Wellington Launches Advocate Network

A group of academics from various disciplines will promote the capital city of New Zealand as a place to hold international conferences. Wellington has just launched its Advocate Network, a pool of local thought leaders and subject experts to help enhance the success of the city’s business events bidding. From Association Meetings International…

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PCMA Discussion Takes Talk of Destination Boycotts to DC

PCMA has held a roundtable discussion in Washington DC on how to navigate events in the wake of the Supreme Court’s overturning of the Roe v. Wade decision on US abortion rights. Ninety minutes of fascinating crosstalk on the rights and wrongs of events boycotting destinations because of their laws ensued. From PCMA…

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How Associations and Destinations Interact After COVID-19

After the pandemic, the way that associations and destinations are interacting has altered. Within this article various experts weigh in on the changing landscape, including MCI’s Nikki Walker and Destinations International’s Jane Cunningham (both organisations in fact Iceberg partners), and The Iceberg’s own Founder James Latham. From Association Meetings International…

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Ten Ways to Make Your Business Event Diverse, Equitable and Inclusive

Keeping events diverse and inclusive often means thinking about issues like age, mental and physical ability, culture, religion, gender identity or language. But how can organisers deliver on diversity, equity, access and inclusion? Arinex Managing Director Nicole Walker offers ten tips for holding a more inclusive event. From Association Meetings International…

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Future Meeting Space Tackles New Trends in Business Travel

Future Meeting Space’s latest research radar has looked at global studies, reports and articles on the future of both business events and business travel. Across over eighty studies, nine concrete trends have been identified about the industry, from the impact of sustainability on mobility to the role of hybrid event formats. From Response Room…

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Montreal’s AIDS 2022 Leaves Worldwide Treatment Legacies

Montreal just hosted AIDS 2022 (the 24th International AIDS conference). Around 8,000 attended on site, with another 1,000 online. The legacies of the conference include additional government funds for remote HIV testing in Canada and for ending AIDS worldwide. All outcomes will be measured by Montreal-based Iceberg partner #MEET4IMPACT. From Tourisme Montréal…

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United States First in 2021’s ICCA Rankings

The USA performed better than any other country in hosting events of international associations last year, according to the ICCA Rankings 2021. Spain came second, then Germany, France and Italy. The country listings were released after the city results already posted, along with the publication of the report’s public abstract. From Association Meetings International…

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UKCAMS Record 2021 Meetings Worth £4.9bn

Over 440,000 conferences and meetings worth £4.9 billion took place across the UK in 2021, after just 195,000 in 2020, new research has revealed. The direct expenditure in venues and destinations was £1.7 billion in 2020 and £17.6 billion in 2019. 45 percent of venues expect business to recover by 2023. From Conference News…

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Congresses May Move Over Abortion Access

The US Supreme Court ruling that lifted constitutional protections for access to abortion services has now prompted calls for scientific events to boycott states that have banned or severely restricted services. At least one organisation has already moved a meeting out of Louisiana over the issue of abortion rights. Photo: Ted Eytan. From Nature…

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Vienna Leads 2021’s ICCA Rankings

ICCA (International Congress and Convention Association) rankings just posted saw destination Vienna reclaim the top spot worldwide for the first time since 2012. The 2021 Iceberg partner survey attributed 92 congresses to Vienna, with Lisbon second (91) and Athens third (66). Barcelona and Singapore are next, then Madrid, Prague, Paris, Berlin and Brussels. From Meetings International…

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Tips on Keeping Cool: How Meeting Planners Deal with Heatwaves

The UK has experienced red weather warnings and unprecedented high temperatures of late, with services shut down and events postponed. Europe and the United States have also suffered. Liz Taylor, the CEO of event management firm the Taylor Lynn Corporation, has sweated over the best solutions to keep delegates cool. From Meetings & Incentive Travel…

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Roe v. Wade: Making Event Site Selection Political Decisions

On the back of a flash survey, Editor James Lancaster talks with Loren Edelstein, VP Content Director at Northstar Meetings Group, about how the US Supreme Court’s about turn on Roe v. Wade could inflence where international associations meet, and whether organisations should be being political about site selection. Photo: Ted Eytan. From Association Meetings International…

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Glasgow Brains: More Historical and Modern Legacy Creation

Glasgow will stage seven neurology or neuroscience-related meetings during 2022, drawing up to 10,000 international delegates into the Scottish city. The meetings are testament to Glasgow’s extensive association with neurology, which includes several landmark moments in the field, as The Iceberg has had cause to cover previously. From Association Meetings Intenational…

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Associations and the SDGs: A Framework for Legacy

Iceberg partner European Cities Marketing has just staged its International Conference and General Assembly in Hamburg, rebranding during the event as the City Destinations Alliance. Visit Flanders and #Meet4impact presented a legacy collaboration there, and the latter’s Geneviève Leclerc now explains how the SDGs make a great framework around which to anchor the legacy of association meetings….

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Soil Science Congress Helps Glasgow Gain Ground

Glasgow, home of the famous Glasgow Botanic Gardens, will welcome over 2,000 soil scientists this summer for the quadrennial World Congress of Soil Science. Over the past twelve months, the city’s convention bureau secured 71 new conferences, expected to bring about 36,000 delegates to Glasgow and add £53 million to its coffers. From AMI Intellectual Capitals…

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AIC2022 Experts to Explore “Atypical Interaction”

A major conference on how people with cognitive, linguistic and physical impairments interact will be held soon in Newcastle, UK. The Atypical Interaction Conference, to be staged at Newcastle University, runs every three years and is attended by experts on dementia, autism, aphasia, schizophrenia, visual and speech impairments among others. From AMI Intellectual Capitals…

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IMEX in Frankfurt Celebrates Return

The first IMEX in Frankfurt since 2019 was marked by an outrush of camaraderie, celebration, and most importantly, business. The Iceberg partner CEO Carina Bauer hailed a succcessful show and said that the future looks bright for the industry, while also acknowledging that the current business climate is rather challenging. From Meetings & Incentive Travel…

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