Sector: Medical

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London and ExCeL Healing Wounds at EWMA 2020

In 2020 ExCeL London will host the European Wound Management Association Conference. The event, for 4,000 nurses, doctors and other medical professionals, chose to return because of the respected practitioner and research sector based in London. This is the latest of several medical associations to choose London and ExCeL for their meetings. From Boardroom…  

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Melbourne Wins Five Life Sciences Meetings

Melbourne has secured five international life science conferences in 2019 and 2020, boosting Victoria’s status as a medical technology and pharmaceutical investment destination. The AusMedtech Conference in 2019, AusBiotech National Conferences in 2019 and 2020, and the Biotech Invest Conferences in 2019 and 2020 will attract thousands of delegates. From CIM News Magazine…

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Monaco’s Meeting Business Builds on Medical Compliance

Monaco is winning the argument that its principality is appropriate for conferences in general and medical meetings in particular. Monaco Convention Bureau revealed an increase in delegate room nights of 5.6 percent during 2017, while total share of Monaco visitors climbed to 26 percent. Overall, it was the second best ever year. From Association Meetings International…

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Malaria Congress to Open Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre

The AU$200 million Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre expansion is soon to open for business. The 1st Malaria World Congress at the start of July will be the first event held in the newly expanded facility, cementing MCEC’s position as the largest convention and exhibition space in Australia. From Association Meetings International…

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Howard’s Way Walk to Hold Final Charity Hike

Ten years after the first Howard’s Way Walk, its organisers have announced that the eighth and final trek on June 8th to 10th will retrace the inaugural route. The event industry charity has raised over £350,000 to fight pancreatic cancer in memory of one of its victims, freelance logistics manager Howard Kerr (pictured). From…

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Scheduling: Better Late Than Early?

As meeting marketers try to turn prospective participants into registered attendees, it might seem that publishing a complete schedule early would be more than helpful. But in a fast moving knowledge sector, like that of the American Association of Cancer Research’s Annual Meeting, this can become a game of juggling crystal balls. From PCMA…

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Liverpool Wins Two Significant Medical Association Congresses

Liverpool has secured two high-profile medical meetings likely to generate £15m for the city, says conference venue ACC Liverpool. The venue will host the International Orthoptic Association’s congress in 2020, and the Annual Meeting of the European Society for Paediatric Endocrinology the same year. 1,000 and 3,500 delegates are respectively expected. From Association Meetings International…

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Medical Meetings: Patients are a Virtue

Medical conferences that invite patients onto their stages and into their planning committees are finding out that patients are a virtue. Over the last decade there has been a slow-moving revolution in leveraging the legacies that can accrue to both healthcare professionals and to patients when the latter play a meaningful role. From PCMA Convene…

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Australian Medical Legacies: AIDS 2014

Australian cities are leveraging medical knowledge and research specialities to secure major events and realise the investment, employment, healthcare and other legacies that result from them. The 20th International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2014), which took place in Melbourne after over two years’ extensive planning and preparation, might well be the epitome of this. From Boardroom…

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Medical Conferences in the Modern Age

National medical associations hold conventions yearly, while international ones are held every two to four years. But educational timeframes have utterly changed in the digital age. So what will happen to the traditional convention model, and its role in medical professional education? Neurosurgery Professor Antonio A.F. De Salles asks whether conventions will become digital. From Boardroom…

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Incredible Impacts: ISTH’s Kyoto Legacy

In November the International Congress and Convention Association (ICCA) welcomed a record number of delegates to its 56th annual congress. Almost 1,300 members, including more than 40 association executives, travelled to Prague for four days of education, chapter meetings and networking. During the event, the inaugural winners of the “Incredible Impacts” grants supported by both…

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The Science Of Healthcare Professional Meetings

Ashfield Meetings & Events is pleased to announce a 2018 follow-up study to the 2016 “Future Of Meetings” white paper. “The Science Of Healthcare Professional Meetings” compares and contrasts the perceptions of healthcare professionals (HCPs) across a wide variety of speciality areas, and dives deeper into the ongoing evolution of the medical meetings landscape. By looking…

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Face to Face the “Preferred Channel” for Healthcare

Meeting face to face is still highly valued in the digital age, according to Ashfield Meetings & Events’ 2018 follow up to its 2016 “Future of Meetings” white paper. Healthcare professionals are now saying their “preferred channel” to receive and learn medical content is through attendance at a scientific congress or meeting. From…

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Creating a Local Legacy in Lampedusa

By involving local communities in your meetings you can create a concrete legacy for the host destination. Strategic results can be achieved for everyone. A good example of legacy creation is the SIAARTI Academy 2017, an innovative training event for members of the Italian Society for Anaesthesia, Analgesia, Resuscitation and Intensive Care. From Boardroom…

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World Parkinson Congress: A Patient Legacy

The Iceberg has previously reported how the World Parkinson Congress’ involvement of patients won it one of ICCA and BestCities Global Alliances “Incredible Impacts” awards. Here Elizabeth “Eli” Pollard, Executive Director of the World Parkinson Coalition, describes in further detail her organisation’s approach to creating a patient legacy in its host cities. From Boardroom…  

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Incredible Impacts: World Confederation for Physical Therapy

In November the International Congress and Convention Association (ICCA) welcomed a record number of delegates to its 56th annual congress. Almost 1,300 members, including more than 40 association executives, travelled to Prague for four days of education, chapter meetings and networking. During the event, the inaugural winners of the “Incredible Impacts” grants supported by both…

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Incredible Impacts: World Parkinson Coalition

In November the International Congress and Convention Association (ICCA) welcomed a record number of delegates to its 56th annual congress. Almost 1,300 members, including more than 40 association executives, travelled to Prague for four days of education, chapter meetings and networking. During the event, the inaugural winners of the “Incredible Impacts” grants supported by both…

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Medical Conferences: A Healthy Future?

Artificial intelligence, virtual and augmented reality, 3D printing, wearables, telemedicine: the convergence of healthcare and technology is reaching an inflection point at a time when other pressures are putting the squeeze on medical meetings. How can they stay relevant if the entire structure of healthcare is about to fundamentally change? From PCMA Convene…  

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Mainz: Translating Cancer Science into Survival

The city of Mainz in western Germany has just played host to the Third International Cancer lmmunotherapy Conference 2017. It was selected for the 1,500-delegate event not just as a cost-effective destination, but also as a knowledge hub in the sector and home to one of Europe’s leading cancer immunology research centres. From tw tagungswirtschaft…

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A Prescription for European Medical Congresses

Recent years have seen the growth of regulation from European governments, and also from the sector itself in terms of interactions between the pharmaceutical / medical-device industries and healthcare professionals. So where to now for medical associations, their meetings and their revenue streams? By Caroline Mackenzie, Global Association Partners, on behalf of IAPCO, via Boardroom…

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Healthcare Association Meetings Legacies

Once the meetings industry was viewed only in terms of spend during an event: flying in, commuting by taxi, renting venue space, booking accommodation and eating at restaurants. Those days are over. Daniel Waigl, executive director of the Radiological Society of Europe, explains how healthcare association meetings deliver legacies of improved treatment and awareness. From Boardroom…

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