Sector: Hotels

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The Impact of Coronavirus on Europe’s Convention Sector 2021

The Strategic Alliance of the National Convention Bureaux of Europe has published an update of its 2020 study on The Impact of Coronavirus on Europes Convention Sector. The new report, prepared by Tourism Economics, provides three recovery scenarios to reflect the possible range of developments given the level of uncertainty about how the pandemic situation…

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The Impacts of the Pandemic on Convention Bureaus in Europe

Convention bureaus have operated as key stakeholders in the meetings industry for over a century, assuming major responsibility for marketing their cities, regions and countries as destinations for the hosting of business events, from small corporate gatherings to the vast annual conferences organised by international associations. During all of that time it has been clearly…

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Health Information and Attendee Privacy: Getting Back to Meetings and...

The health and safety of event attendees has always been a big consideration for meeting professionals. The COVID-19 outbreak, however, has brought health and safety into focus like never before. As many organisations consider resuming incentive group travel programs, health and safety is the most talked about element and an area of uncertainty as COVID…

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Hybrid Congress Guidelines

To mark Global Meetings Industry Day, Iceberg partner BestCities Global Alliance and the International Association of Professional Congress Organisers (IAPCO) have joined together to help associations articulate their new hybrid congress guidelines. In the wake of the pandemic, associations must rethink the design and delivery of events to make sure they can bring together international…

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Beyond Food: Beyond COVID-19

Chapter IV of Beyond Food looks at the devastating effect of the pandemic on the conference and events market, and at how the industry is addressing a new way of working post-COVID. Beyond Food: Beyond COVID-19 (Lime Venue Portfolio website, registration required)

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WEF Cancellation Hits Sector and Singapore

The scale of the challenges facing event planners were again laid bare with the World Economic Forum announcing the cancelling of the Special Annual Meeting that was set for Singapore. Amid a spike in local cases of COVID-19, WEF cited the uncertain travel outlook and also variations in vaccination rollout. From Association Meetings International…

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Vienna Announces €4m Fund for Meetings

Vienna is allocating its tourist board and convention bureau with another €4 million to support national and international planners of meetings held in the capital until the end of 2023, and offering up to €60,000 per event. For the first time the money is available to corporate conferences and hybrid events. From Meetings International…

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Sixth GMID Unites the Sector to “Meet Safe”

One year into the pandemic, meetings industry professionals gathered with leaders in business, government and the media to mark Global Meetings Industry Day 2021. This year the GMID theme is “Meet Safe”, recognising the industry’s top priority of operating meetings and events with health and safety at the forefront. From Meetings & Incentive Travel…

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US Healthcare Meeting Requiring Attendees’ Proof of Vaccination

While many conferences are still remaining virtual, the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society is going back in person to Las Vegas, but requiring attendees at its August conference to show proof of their vaccinations. One of the larger healthcare events in the US, HIMSS cancelled last year because of the pandemic. From Associations Now…

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Northstar Editors Give Global Outlook on Sector Recovery

Singapore is tightening up its COVID restrictions. The UK has piloted large free-of-mask events, but uncertainty remains over resuming international meetings. With the global vaccine rollout still not injecting enough certainty into the industry, four Northstar editors from around the world have collaborated on a global outlook. From Meetings & Incentive Travel…

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IMEX’s Carina Bauer: New IMEX BuzzHub Bets on Community

As Iceberg partner the IMEX Group launches its latest digital platform IMEX BuzzHub, CEO Carina Bauer explains how the community is key to COVID-19 recovery. Bauer reveals also latest plans for IMEX America in November, and why organising any trade show right now is “an exercise in extreme preparedness”. From Meetings & Incentive Travel…

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Budget Cuts, But Quick Recovery? Pandemic Impact on Euro CVBs

Three quarters of CVBs (convention bureaux) have suffered financial cuts over the pandemic year, according to a new report called “The Impacts of the Coronavirus on Convention Bureaux in Europe”. What does this mean for the meetings industry in general and for associations? Report author Rob Davidson explains. From Association Meetings International…

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JMIC’s Kai Hattendorf: Industry Advocacy and Lessons Learnt

The Joint Meetings Industry Council, which presents The Iceberg, has supported industry advocacy through COVID-19 with resources like the JMIC Global Manifesto and JMIC Advocacy Guide. President Kai Hattendorf now looks at the state of advocacy in the sector, examining also some of the lessons that have been learnt. The past year has generated a…

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JMIC’s Rod Cameron: Vaccine v. Variant, so Where to from Here?

With the competing forces of the vaccine rollout and the emergence of variants waging a battle across most of the world, there are few simple scenarios for the future of the events sector. Rod Cameron, Executive Director of the Joint Meetings Industry Council (which presents The Iceberg), asks “where to from here?”. From UFI…

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ESTRO: Saving Lives, Leaving Legacies in Destination Health

Alessandro Cortese leads ESTRO (European Society for Radiotherapy and Oncology) and has put a new notion at the centre of his meeting strategy: local legacy, or how much the hosting city will benefit from the event, measured by improvements in health. Here he discusses what could be the model of the future. From Eventoplus…

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PCMA’s GMID Debate: Vaccine Passports and Industry Recovery

In celebration of Global Meetings Industry Day, PCMA hosted the first ever PCMA APAC and EMEA debate, attracting over 500 registrations from 57 countries. Moderated by Oscar Cerezales, Global Executive Vice President Corporate Division of Iceberg partner MCI Group, the big debate discussed the pros and cons of the potential vaccine passport. From PCMA…

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GMID’s New York City Event: Two Attendees, Two Ways to Attend

Global Meetings Industry Day was celebrated in New York City with a hybrid event. An enterprising sector publication chose to experience the meeting both online and in person, so here are two contrasting views on different ways to experience a single event, including the role of serendipitous encounters, dessert and champagne. From PCMA…

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Good Practice Guidance: Addressing COVID-19 Requirements for Re...

In March 2020, the Iceberg partners AIPC and UFI released good practice guidance to help members manage the unfolding crisis, and in April 2020, further guidance on repurposing a convention or exhibition centre to serve as a temporary emergency facility. It is a role that many centres embraced to serve their community in a time…

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It’s Time – A Global Report on Destination Marketing and...

During the past twelve months, marketing activities have been severely curtailed. This global report looks at both what channels destinations have been using to remain engaged with audiences and what is being planned for the future. PR agency Davies Tanner has now launched the second stage of research to ensure continued up-to-date intelligence for the…

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Future Meeting Space – The Future Role and Purpose of Business...

The “Future Meeting Space” (FMS) innovation network was launched by the GCB (German Convention Bureau) in cooperation with the Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Engineering IAO. This research project focuses on trends, innovations and social developments, identifying their possible influence on the event industry. In this context, research questions focus on how future events should be…

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ExCeL London Secures ESC Congress 2024

The European Society of Cardiology has said that its ESC Congress, the world’s largest gathering of heart specialists, will be back at ExCeL London in 2024. The society ran its 2015 event at the venue, bringing in more than 32,700 participants from 140 countries, and leaving a legacy of public involvement. From Meetings & Incentive Travel…

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