M&IT Newsletter
A year ago Amsterdam hosted the 22nd International Aids Conference. A visual “dressing” campaign made the meeting very hard to miss in and around the city. Holland may be a compact in size as a conference destination, but it packs a punch when it comes to its knowledge infrastructure and congress capabilities. From Boardroom…
During Meetings Africa 2019 held recently in Johannesburg, a noticeable change of tone was detected in the young doctors and scientists attending the Association Day presented by the International Congress and Convention Association (ICCA). It was a clear message to established medical association leaders that “Madiba’s Children” have arrived with legacy in their hearts. One…
Hamburg Convention Bureau is busy profiling the city as a medical hub. So is the soon-to-reopen CCH – Congress Center Hamburg. Home to internationally renowned doctors and hospitals, over 169,000 people work in Hamburg’s healthcare sector, or one employee in seven. As a result the city is securing one medical congress after another. From Boardroom…
On the occasion of 2019’s Global Exhibitions Day (GED), UFI, the industry’s global association, is launching a new report and online database. These will track initiatives and projects in the global exhibitions business shaped around the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations. This resource, a first of its kind, aims to showcase work done…
Unlike anything humanity has experienced before, the current scale, scope and complexity of change is shaking foundations society has accepted as the norm. Five converging megaforces present destinations with both tremendous opportunities and challenges: climate breakdown, ecocide, demographic shift, social change and digitalisation. The meetings and events industry supports 26 million jobs, $1.5 trillion in global…
A new era of sustainability is rising and set to shape the future of the events industry, according to a new white paper just out from the Global Destination Sustainability Index, an Iceberg partner. The report details case studies, data analysis and actions taken by 47 destination management organisations and municipalities. From Meetings & Incentive Travel…
Austria’s largest congress centre, Austria Center Vienna, has revealed that 2018 was the most successful year in its three-decade history. The venue generated €14.85 million (£13 million) and also welcomed 136,000 international delegates, representing a 29 percent year-on-year increase in visitor numbers. From Association Meetings International…
The Scottish Event Campus has had its most successful year since 2014 and the Commonwealth Games. Trading turnover increased by 21 percent to £35.1 million, and contributed an average of £1.5 million per day to the Glasgow economy in 2018 – 19, a total of £457 million over the year. From Meetings & Incentive Travel…
Record numbers of exhibition professionals around the world celebrated June 5, the fourth Global Exhibitions Day, which highlights how the industry generates $325 billion in total output globally and contributes $198 billion to GDP worldwide. An estimated 90 countries took part, according to preliminary data from Iceberg partner UFI, the sector’s global association. From PCMA…
Delegates at the Africa Associations Congress in Pretoria this August will be given insider tips on how to deliver a successful international conference. Last year more than 140 delegates from African associations, as well as international delegates from Europe and USA, attended the event’s first ever running in the same city. From Association Meetings International…
The Palais des congrès de Montréal has put together a Sustainability Innovation Committee made up of experts from institutions including ten Quebec universities. The group’s purpose will be to facilitate sharing academic research in the field, and to identify research partnership opportunities between the venue and sustainability organisations. From Boardroom…
ICC Wales has demonstrated a strong commitment to attracting major international association meetings by launching a drive at Swansea University recruiting for its Ambassador Wales Programme. The scheme aims to establish a network of patriotic professionals who will be championing the country as a conference and event destination. From Association Meetings International…
While nobody can predict the future, the BestCities Global Forum looks to offer perhaps the next best thing: a futurologists’ analysis of challenges the meetings industry may face in 20 years’ time. In conjunction with the Copenhagen Convention Bureau, the conference will take place in the Danish capital this December. From Boardroom…
Africa’s Travel Indaba, hosted again at the Durban ICC, has attracted over 1,000 exhibitors and 1,500 buyers, as well as South African President Cyril Ramaphosa (centre). The event was organised around greening principles in evidence throughout the three days, which included introducing Meetings Africa’s Green Stand Award for the most sustainable exhibitor. From the Event…
Prague’s emergency medicine practitioners hope hosting the 13th Congress of the European Society for Emergency Medicine will support further development of the fledgling field in the Czech Republic. Some 2,000 specialists from around the world are expected to attend the event at the Prague Congress Centre in October. From AMI Intellectual Capitals…
The International Association for Suicide Prevention has selected the Gold Coast to host its 31st World Congress in 2021. The meeting will bring together around 800 mental health professionals, academics, crisis workers, teachers and suicide survivors from around the world. The bid was a collaborative effort with strong local support. From Boardroom…
Sydney is to welcome 36 global medical meetings over the next five years in a nod to its leadership in healthcare. BESydney CEO Lyn Lewis-Smith said the support of local experts, and committed State and Federal Governments that have prioritised the sector, all played a huge part in BESydney’s winning streak. From AMI Intellectual Capitals…
The Board of Directors of Iceberg partner UFI, global association of the exhibition industry, has elected Anbu Varathan (left) President for 2020 – 2021. He is the first person from India to hold the role. The decision was made at a Board meeting that began the UFI European Conference in Birmingham, United Kingdom. From the Event…
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