Sector: Meetings

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A Celebration of Meetings Industry Marketing Trophies

It’s awards time again, and the marketing category of any major ceremony is always hotly contested, as for example at the recent ICCA Congress in Prague (News: “FMCCA Wins Best Marketing Award”). One Iceberg partner, SoolNua, boasts not only the Chairman of Judges of that ceremony, but also a nomination in another. From SoolNua’s Pádraic Gilligan at Padraicino…

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A Prescription for European Medical Congresses

Recent years have seen the growth of regulation from European governments, and also from the sector itself in terms of interactions between the pharmaceutical / medical-device industries and healthcare professionals. So where to now for medical associations, their meetings and their revenue streams? By Caroline Mackenzie, Global Association Partners, on behalf of IAPCO, via Boardroom…

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Westminster Bubbles: A Voice at the Table

The Iceberg previously reported the Business of Events Senior Leadership Forum that recently brought the UK government and its meetings industry together (Opinions: “Westminster Bubbles: A Meeting of Minds”). Now Events Industry Board Chair Nick de Bois, himself a former MP, weighs in with his own view of the session. From editor’s blog at…

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Business Event Security: Lord Evans’ Sydney Keynote

The head of security for the London 2012 Olympics, former MI5 Director General Lord Evans, has given the keynote at a Sydney Speaker Series lunch in London. The event was organised by both Business Events Sydney and ICC Sydney, and hosted by the High Commission of Australia. The Iceberg was also invited. If there was any doubt…

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How Face-to-Face and Virtual Should Meet

Hybrid meetings can be very different experiences for different delegates. Face-to-face attendees discuss topics in session rooms, virtual ones online via chat forums. The two can remain very separate. But at a recent meeting, the American Academy of Ophthalmology debuted a new virtual-meeting ambassador program to create stronger interaction between the different worlds. From PCMA Convene…

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Ray Bloom Wins ICCA Moises Shuster Award

The Moises Shuster Award, highest honour of the International Congress and Convention Association, was given to IMEX Group Chairman and industry legend Ray Bloom during the 56th ICCA Congress Farewell Dinner in Prague. Bloom follows other luminaries in the win, including his own colleague Paul Flackett, who passed away just before the congress opened. From…

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Meetings Industry Mourns Paul Flackett

IMEX Group Managing Director Paul Flackett, a meetings industry pioneer whose career spanned over three decades, has died after a long illness. Flackett worked with Ray Bloom to found EIBTM in 1987. He worked with Bloom again on the launch of IMEX in 2001, continuing the partnership through to launching IMEX America in 2011. From Association Meetings International…

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Business Event Security Must Meet Olympic Standards

The head of security for the London 2012 Olympics, former MI5 Director General Lord Jonathan Evans, has given a Sydney Speaker Series keynote at the High Commission of Australia in London. “Collaborative activity between the venue, the event organisers, law enforcement and security authorities is critical”, he said (see also Opinions). From CIM News Magazine…

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28 June 2018

EPEX 2018, New Delhi, India

Co-located with Asia’s largest business platform for MICE,  experiential marketing and destination weddings industry, attend expert sessions featuring 100 global industry leaders as speakers; network with over 200 top marketers/corporates/brand representatives from Inida and Asia; meet 1000 top MICE and destination wedding planners; gain exclusive access to the glitziest awards ceremony in the experiential industry!

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