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MWC21 Welcomes Back 20,000 to Barcelona

An early casualty of the pandemic, Mobile World Congress 2021 has welcomed back 20,000 on site delegates to host city Barcelona, with 100,000 taking part virtually. The show made news in February last year when organisers GSMA made a late call to cancel as the pandemic started to spread. From Association Meetings International…

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Associations, Meetings, Destinations: Changed Rules Post Pandemic?

The relationship between major associations and the cities hosting their meetings, although generally happy and fruitful, is beset by the similar issues to any relationship essentially transactional in nature. So, how will things change in the industry landscape redrawn by COVID-19? From editor’s blog at Association Meetings International…

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Know-How Face-to-Face: An Alternative Iceberg

The Iceberg always enjoys meetings described with an iiceberg metaphor. But this time it is not the broader legacy benefits that are harder to see below the surface, but the tacit versus explicit knowledge imparted. German Convention Bureau MD Matthias Schultze discusses face-to-face and his hybrid BOCOM event. From Matthias Schultze via LinkedIn…

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The Impact of Coronavirus on Europe’s Convention Sector 2021

The Strategic Alliance of the National Convention Bureaux of Europe has published an update of its 2020 study on The Impact of Coronavirus on Europes Convention Sector. The new report, prepared by Tourism Economics, provides three recovery scenarios to reflect the possible range of developments given the level of uncertainty about how the pandemic situation…

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The Impacts of the Pandemic on Convention Bureaus in Europe

Convention bureaus have operated as key stakeholders in the meetings industry for over a century, assuming major responsibility for marketing their cities, regions and countries as destinations for the hosting of business events, from small corporate gatherings to the vast annual conferences organised by international associations. During all of that time it has been clearly…

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COVID-19 Recovery Dashboard (April 19th – 22nd)

In April’s survey against March’s, much of the sector is experiencing a sense of languish. In the month between the two, vaccinations in the US (where the majority of survey respondents live) have averaged around three million shots a day, certainly the country’s best chance of recovery. Yet seven percent fewer planner respondents reported feeling hopeful…

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COVID-19 Recovery Dashboard (March 22nd – 25th)

Between February and March, a flurry of news articles predicted a huge surge in leisure travel, sometimes referred to as “revenge travel”, as people celebrate the end of the pandemic, make up for lost time and splurge after the stress of living through COVID. Airlines have reported substantial jumps in air travel demand during March…

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Global Exhibition Day Sees Sector Restart

Global Exhibitions Day has been marked by the industry all over the world. The milestone coincided with Fira Barcelona’s return to activity on site for Integrated Systems Europe. The leading event for the audiovisual industry ran both on site and online. Fira will also soon be hosting Mobile World Congress Barcelona. From Exhibition World…

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AIDS 2022 Helps Bridge Delegate Digital Divide

Organisers of the 24th International AIDS Conference will create lasting legacies by helping on site and virtual delegates from poorer countries to attend the 2022 event. An “ambitious” scholarship programme will let more attendees take part either in Montreal or else online. The society will also provide internet data and hardware devices. Association Meetings International…

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HK Unveils Conference Ambassador Century

Business leaders in Hong Kong are joining to promote “the vertical city” as a top meetings and conventions destination. One hundred inaugural ambassadors are being led by the Hong Kong Tourism Board with the aim of revitalising business events and strengthening Hong Kong’s reputation as a destination. From Association Meetings International…

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Sixth GMID Unites the Sector to “Meet Safe”

One year into the pandemic, meetings industry professionals gathered with leaders in business, government and the media to mark Global Meetings Industry Day 2021. This year the GMID theme is “Meet Safe”, recognising the industry’s top priority of operating meetings and events with health and safety at the forefront. From Meetings & Incentive Travel…

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IMEX’s Carina Bauer: New IMEX BuzzHub Bets on Community

As Iceberg partner the IMEX Group launches its latest digital platform IMEX BuzzHub, CEO Carina Bauer explains how the community is key to COVID-19 recovery. Bauer reveals also latest plans for IMEX America in November, and why organising any trade show right now is “an exercise in extreme preparedness”. From Meetings & Incentive Travel…

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JMIC’s Rod Cameron: Vaccine v. Variant, so Where to from Here?

With the competing forces of the vaccine rollout and the emergence of variants waging a battle across most of the world, there are few simple scenarios for the future of the events sector. Rod Cameron, Executive Director of the Joint Meetings Industry Council (which presents The Iceberg), asks “where to from here?”. From UFI…

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ESTRO: Saving Lives, Leaving Legacies in Destination Health

Alessandro Cortese leads ESTRO (European Society for Radiotherapy and Oncology) and has put a new notion at the centre of his meeting strategy: local legacy, or how much the hosting city will benefit from the event, measured by improvements in health. Here he discusses what could be the model of the future. From Eventoplus…

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GMID’s New York City Event: Two Attendees, Two Ways to Attend

Global Meetings Industry Day was celebrated in New York City with a hybrid event. An enterprising sector publication chose to experience the meeting both online and in person, so here are two contrasting views on different ways to experience a single event, including the role of serendipitous encounters, dessert and champagne. From PCMA…

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IBTM World Virtual and IBTM World 2021 by David Thompson

Event Director David Thompson (pictured left), is a familiar figure around the show floor at Iceberg partner IBTM World. In this podcast, he talks through the experience of running IBTM World Virtual in 2020, and why he is certain there will be a live event in Barcelona this year. From Meetings & Incentive Travel…

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Incredible Impacts: 2020’s Lessons in Legacy

Last September, the “Incredible Impacts” programme run collaboratively by Iceberg partners ICCA and BestCities Global Alliance selected three winning associations for the meeting legacy projects they submitted. Each of the three had shown a dedication to creating legacies that went far beyond the conference walls. The three winners were: Ecocity Builders and the BCIT Ecocity…

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It’s Time – A Global Report on Destination Marketing and...

During the past twelve months, marketing activities have been severely curtailed. This global report looks at both what channels destinations have been using to remain engaged with audiences and what is being planned for the future. PR agency Davies Tanner has now launched the second stage of research to ensure continued up-to-date intelligence for the…

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Future Meeting Space – The Future Role and Purpose of Business...

The “Future Meeting Space” (FMS) innovation network was launched by the GCB (German Convention Bureau) in cooperation with the Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Engineering IAO. This research project focuses on trends, innovations and social developments, identifying their possible influence on the event industry. In this context, research questions focus on how future events should be…

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Convention and Exhibition Centres as Temporary Vaccination Centres

A growing number of convention and exhibition sites across the world have started operating as temporary COVID-19 vaccination centres, getting anywhere from 500 to over 6,000 people vaccinated every day at each location. At the same time, an increasing number of markets around the globe have begun to reopen business events with varying COVID-19 protocols…

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COVID-19 Recovery Dashboard (February 22nd – 25th)

A slightly higher percentage of planners and suppliers described feeling exhausted and burned out in the February Dashboard survey than in January’s survey, but that can probably be chalked up to yet another month of enduring the COVID crisis. It’s coming up on a year now since the lockdowns began. Some especially harsh winter weather…

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