Sector: Science

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Ukrainian Scientists Urge Russian Boycott

Ukrainian scientists have called for an international boycott of scientific conferences inside Russia and asked for Russian institutes and scientific leaders to condemn the invasion of Ukraine. Meanwhile international associations and other academic bodies are scrambling to cancel conferences in Russia and find alternative venues or pivot their meetings to virtual events. From Association Meetings International…

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AC Forum President Carola van der Hoeff: Adapt and Diversify

Carola van der Hoeff is the new President of AC Forum (Associations and Conference Forum). In a broad interview on the Deep Dive podcast she discusses restarting association events, changing business models, building back better and organising her first webinar. As well as that, she looks forward to face-to-face IMEX meetings. From Associations Meetings International…

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MCI’s Nikki Walker: Associations and Events Through the Pandemic

According to Nikki Walker, who is Global Vice President Engagement, Associations and Communities at Iceberg partner MCI, associations are craving to get back to meeting face-to-face, yet prefer to hold a fully virtual substitute rather than hybrid. In this Deep Dive podcast, Walker examines how associations have evolved through COVID. From Associations Meetings International…  

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IBTM Trends Watch Report 2022

This report does its best to lean on both empirical evidence and highly credible opinion, that give a glimpse into both the immediate and long-term futures the industry faces. It looks at the past to predict the future, but also finds “grass root” trends that may grow to dominate how the sector goes about its…

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Chemical Reaction: Science Conferences After the Pandemic

PCMA Editor-in-Chief Michelle Russell drew our attention to this discussion of how the model of scientific conference should be changing in the wake of the pandemic. It contains a fantastic example of serendipitous legacy, a chance meeting at a conference in Puerto Rico leading to some Nobel prize-winning CRISPR gene editing. From Chemistry World…

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UFI Congress “Together Again” in Rotterdam

UFI’s 88th Global Congress held in Rotterdam saw the association’s return to face-to-face gatherings. The Iceberg partner event drew 350 participants from about 40 countries and regions. The main theme of the congress, staged at the Rotterdam Ahoy and co-hosted by Rotterdam Partners, was “together again”. From Exhibition News…

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ICCA and BestCities Talk About Association Legacy at IMEX America

During the recent IMEX America in Las Vegas, Iceberg partners ICCA and the BestCities Global Alliance collaboratively staged a deep dive workshop that explored “Legacy for Association Meetings”. With the use of templates taken from the toolkit of Copenhagen Legacy Lab, also an Iceberg partner, attendees worked to develop tangible solutions for sector challenges. From ICCA…

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COP26: Hosting the Ultimate International Climate Change Event

In terms of legacies left for the planet, COP26 is surely the most important business event ever to come to the UK. But what does it mean for Glasgow to deliver this ultimate global climate meeting? Voices include Iceberg ambassador Aileen Crawford, Glasgow Life Head of Tourism and Conventions. From Meetings & Incentive Travel…

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A Line of COPs: An Isla Conference of Parties Historical Guide

Just what is COP26, and why should it matter to meetings professionals? Sustainability not-for-profit isla put together this handy historical guide in advance of the Glasgow COP26 conference. Which destinations have hosted previous COPs, and what legacies did they create, if the climate emergency is still upon us? From Meetings & Incentive Travel…

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The Importance of International Conferences and Business Events to...

A new research report published by Cities Restart called The Importance of International Conferences and Business Events to Restarting City Economies has revealed that spending on international conferences and business events for the UK is estimated to have been worth £19.4 billion in 2019, but following the interruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, by 2026 is forecast…

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JMIC Launches Net Zero Carbon Pledge

The global meetings industry is being urged to join together in an historic pledge to achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2050. JMIC (Joint Meetings Industry Council), which presents The Iceberg, has launched an initiative called Net Zero Carbon Events to connect the industry to the growing movement to radically reduce emissions. From Association Meetings International…

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Grocery Shop Higher Risk Than Meetings

You are far less likely to contract COVID-19 at a business event than during grocery shopping, according to a study. Infection rates across US business events were as much as 95 percent lower than the average, and the risk at events up to eight times less than out in the host city. From Association Meetings International…

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AMI Summit: Experts Discuss the Future of Association Meetings

Cancelling in person meetings has forced association planners to tear up the script over the last eighteen months. But what will happen next? In this launch of a series of quarterly summits, expert panellists discuss questions most asked about the future of association meetings. James Lancaster hosts. From Association Meetings International…

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In Person at Last: GIAF Draws Sixty European Associations Together

Postponed a few times for obvious reasons after having been staged online in 2020, the GIAF (Geneva International Association Forum) was the first physical association event of the kind post-lockdown. Delegates were certainly happy to be together again seeing old friends and making new ones. But the event programme also did not disappoint. From Boardroom…

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ASAE’s Michelle Mason: Association Trailblazer Breaking Barriers

Michelle Mason heads up Iceberg partner ASAE as President and CEO. After she “stumbled into association management”, as a temporary staff assistant at what is now called the American Chemistry Council, Mason has climbed the ranks, transforming any barriers into opportunities and using her platform to raise others who are underrepresented. From PCMA…

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EHMA 2019 in Espoo: Reflections on Legacy, Community and Impact

Business and Events Academy Creator Nadia Rubtsova once worked for the European Health Management Association. Back in 2019, the scientific conference of EHMA was taking place in Espoo, Finland. After a year of hard work, the organiser’s guiding Northern stars for the meeting’s three days and 350 delegates were legacy, community and impact. From Boardroom…

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Quebec: Events Strengthen Hub in Life Sciences

The Quebec City Convention Centre has 24 national and international conferences on its books related to the life sciences and health technologies, a thriving sector in the Canadian city, between 2022 and 2025. Quebec’s life sciences industry employs 56,000 across 456 companies and is worth $5.8 billion. From AMI Intellectual Capitals…

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The Impact of Coronavirus on Europe’s Convention Sector 2021

The Strategic Alliance of the National Convention Bureaux of Europe has published an update of its 2020 study on The Impact of Coronavirus on Europes Convention Sector. The new report, prepared by Tourism Economics, provides three recovery scenarios to reflect the possible range of developments given the level of uncertainty about how the pandemic situation…

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ESTRO: Saving Lives, Leaving Legacies in Destination Health

Alessandro Cortese leads ESTRO (European Society for Radiotherapy and Oncology) and has put a new notion at the centre of his meeting strategy: local legacy, or how much the hosting city will benefit from the event, measured by improvements in health. Here he discusses what could be the model of the future. From Eventoplus…

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Incredible Impacts: 2020’s Lessons in Legacy

Last September, the “Incredible Impacts” programme run collaboratively by Iceberg partners ICCA and BestCities Global Alliance selected three winning associations for the meeting legacy projects they submitted. Each of the three had shown a dedication to creating legacies that went far beyond the conference walls. The three winners were: Ecocity Builders and the BCIT Ecocity…

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Convention and Exhibition Centres as Temporary Vaccination Centres

A growing number of convention and exhibition sites across the world have started operating as temporary COVID-19 vaccination centres, getting anywhere from 500 to over 6,000 people vaccinated every day at each location. At the same time, an increasing number of markets around the globe have begun to reopen business events with varying COVID-19 protocols…

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