Sector: Science

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Why and How to Involve Patients in Scientific Congresses

Patient involvement in clinical care and research has gained momentum in recent years, firstly because the patient community itself is asking for more active role, but also because patient participation in healthcare systems has been proven to improve treatment outcomes. Scientific associations are also increasingly recognising that patients can contribute to the success of congresses…

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Brisbane’s Trailblazer Grant Reopens

Brisbane’s brightest are again being offered grants to help them bring international meetings to the Queensland capital. The Lord Mayor’s Convention Trailblazer Grant will give young business leaders and academics a share of AU$30,000 to attend events specific to their field, and then help Brisbane bid to host the conference in future. From Association Meetings International…

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New Zealand Secures Toxicology Congress

The world’s top forensic toxicology scientists will meet in New Zealand for the first time in 2023 when the seaport of Auckland hosts the 61st Annual Meeting and Congress of the International Association of Forensic Toxicologists. The five-day event is expected to attract 650 delegates and deliver NZ$1.28 million in visitor spend. From Association Meetings International…

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Physics Meeting Heads to Vilnius in 2022

Vilnius is hoping to energise its local physics community through hosting the 14th European Conference on Atoms, Molecules and Photons in 2022. The meeting, which Vilnius University academics are organising, should attract over 400 experts in atomic, molecular and optical physics to the Lithuanian capital, and have an economic impact of €800,000. From AMI Intellectual Capitals…

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KLCC: Venues Can Help Build Local Links for Association Events

Can venues help bridge the divide that often lies between international associations and their local hosts or chapters in the event destination? Angeline van den Broecke, Director of Global Business Development and Marketing at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre, believes they can, and in the process ensure the success of major congresses. From Boardroom…

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Frankfurt: Legacies of the 45th EBMT Annual Meeting

The 45th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation staged in Frankfurt, the world’s largest meeting for stem-cell therapy, was the result of close cooperation between the city, the venue and the scientific community. From Association Meetings International in collaboration with Conference & Incentive Management and Frankfurt Messe…

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Vancouver: World Sleep Leaves Public Health Impact

With a record-breaking 3,580 attendees registered, the recent World Sleep 2019 in Vancouver was the largest sleep meeting ever held. Organised by the World and the Canadian Sleep Societies, the event featured a learning and awareness stream free to attend for the general public, Sleep Expo 2019. Photo: Kristopher Grunert. From AMI Intellectual Capitals…

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Canada: Meeting the Allure of Leading Knowledge Hubs

With successful sectors like life sciences, technology, agribusiness, aerospace, clean technology, natural resources and advanced manufacturing, Canada is becoming an increasingly “alluring” destination for global meetings and events. Planners can reach into local industry and academia to shape their meeting agendas, grow their attendances and create legacies. From Boardroom…

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ECM Meetings Statistics Report Released

Meetings in Europe are increasing in number, but becoming shorter and smaller. So says the ninth edition of Iceberg partner European Cities Marketing’s Meetings Statistics Report, which reveals 2.9 percent growth in the number of meetings between 2017 and 2018. Delegate numbers and delegates days have however slightly decreased. From Meetings & Incentive Travel…

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EICC Partners with Edinburgh BioQuarter

EICC, the Edinburgh International Conference Centre, is partnering with the Edinburgh BioQuarter hub to raise the international profile of the Scottish life sciences sector. Their collaboration aims to bring more medicine and life sciences conferences to Scotland’s capital, while at the same time encouraging more entrepreneurs to start up innovative businesses. From Association Meetings International…

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Life Sciences Gather in Congress Center Basel

With five different formats spread across two co-located meetings, Basel Life and Intelligent Health, a festival of life sciences events has just taken place at the same time in the Congress Center Basel. 2,000 delegates from 68 countries visited Intelligent Health, which focussed on the use of artificial intelligence to solve world health problems. From Boardroom…

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Edinburgh’s Healthy Medical Event Autumn

Edinburgh’s world leading position in medical research, life sciences and entrepreneurship is now being reinforced with many organisations in the sector selecting the city for events and meetings this autumn. In 2018-2019, Marketing Edinburgh supported 37 health conferences, bringing in 44 percent of business tourism revenue over that time. From Meetings & Incentive Travel…

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Athens to Host 2023 Transplant Congress

Athens has been chosen to host the 2023 Congress of the European Society for Organ Transplantation. The announcement was made at the 2019 event just held in Copenhagen. More than 3,500 global experts are expected to attend the event, which will create a significant legacy for both Athens and its life sciences sector. From Boardroom…

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Palacongressi di Rimini: Five Association Legacies

The flying saucer of Palacongressi di Rimini (pictured), part of the Italian Exhibition Group, has become a strong contender for hosting high-profile international association events. In 2020 the venue is staging conferences that will create significant legacies in child protection, cardiology, organic chemistry, social work… and strawberry farming. From Boardroom…

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The West Midlands: Conference Confidence Rising

Conferences and events are set to play a key role in the West Midlands’ new Regional Tourism Strategy, which aims to grow the area’s visitor economy by more than £1 billion and create 19,000 local jobs. At the conurbation’s heart is Birmingham, a city on the rise. From Meetings & Incentive Travel…

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MyCEB Secures 301 Meetings in H1 2019

In the first half of 2019, MyCEB, the Malaysia Convention & Exhibition Bureau, secured a total of 301 events with an expected 570,741 delegates, 208,555 of them from abroad. These meetings will happen between 2019 and 2028, will create around RM3.9 billion of economic impact, and include four wins of particular significance. From Meetings International…

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UN Receives Meetings Industry SDG Action

For the first time ever the UN has received commitments from the event industry at the Sustainable Development Goal Summit in New York. 7,000 pledges were collected from 58 countries, and the resultant “acceleration action” from Iceberg partner Positive Impact is promoting events as a form of lifelong learning (SDG 4). From Meetings & Incentive Travel…

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Positive Impact’s UN SDG Campaign: The United Nations Update

During August, Iceberg partner Positive Impact conducted a survey of event industry commitment to the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Over 7,000 pledges from 58 countries were received, like using only plant-based food to reduce carbon footprint. In a video from outside UN HQ in New York, CEO Fiona Pelham explains. From Positive Impact via YouTube…

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Davos: A High-Altitude Knowledge Hub for the AO Foundation

Davos is perhaps best known for staging the World Economic Forum, which gathers around 3,000 leading figures from business, politics and science every year. As such, it also has the expertise and capacity to host association events, as Professor Geoff Richards, Director of the AO Research Institute Davos, can testify. From Boardroom…

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Positive Impact’s UN SDG Campaign: An IMEX America Update

Iceberg partner Positive Impact has been campaigning for the meetings industry to align its activity to the framework of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. An industry survey that was conducted during August is being submitted to the UN itself. In a further video recorded at IMEX America, CEO Fiona Pelham explains. From IMEX via YouTube…

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