Sector: Venues

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ExCeL London Creates Academy Legacy

ExCeL London is partnering with the London Academy of Excellence, a sixth form centre in local Stratford. The venue has contributed to LAE’s Hardship and Opportunities Fund to assist with visits that raise student aspirations. CEO Jeremy Rees called it “part of ExCeL London’s lasting legacy for the local community”. From Boardroom…

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Oklahoma City Signs Seven Major Events

Seven national and international organisations have already signed contracts to hold events in the $288 million Oklahoma City Convention Center, scheduled to open at the end of 2020. Together the bookings account for more than 37,000 room nights and an estimated $20 million of direct economic impact. From Meetings & Conventions…

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Australian CVBs Address Bushfire Fears

Leaders of Australia’s convention bureaux have sought to dampen fears about the recent bushfires and quash what they call the spread of “misinformation”. The Association of Australian Convention Bureaux says organisers and managers of events should be contacting its members for destination-specific information and advice. Photo: Rob Russell. From Association Meetings International…

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University of Leeds Hosts Ice Age Event

The Iceberg does like an ice event. The synergy between academia and meetings was recently on show with the University of Leeds hosting a group of experts on the Great Ice Age. The meeting, which explored the pressing issues around climate change, worked closely together with the college’s convention bureau MEETinLEEDS. From Association Meetings International…

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IPA: UK Event Marketing Cuts to Reverse

The decisive general election result back in December gave a boost to UK marketing expenditure during the final quarter of 2019, according to the IPA Bellwether Report. Cuts to event marketing were seen over Q3 and Q4, but the report is optimistic about the sector for 2020 and 2021. From Meetings & Incentive Travel…

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Swiss EPD Tackled by FutureHealth Basel

Switzerland’s leading platform for the healthcare sector has just been staged in Basel. The Netherlands has had electronic patient dossiers for five years, and the EPD is coming to Switzerland in April. So the topic was high on the agenda of FutureHealth Basel, which also programmed patient speakers. From Boardroom…

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University Conferences Boost Sales by £2m

UK Universities hosting conferences can expect to boost annual sales by around £2 million. So says a recent survey by CUBO, an association of university business officers. The figures released at CUBO’s Winter Conference at Edinburgh University show average income levels up by eleven percent against 2018. Photo: Alljengi. From Association Meetings International…

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Venue Accessibility: A Guide to Meeting Every Delegate’s Needs

Conference Aston Head Samantha Brown explains how the industry can meet the needs of all delegates through a new approach to venue accessibility. Delegates with sight, hearing and some lesser-known impairments need just as much consideration as attendees with restricted mobility. The value of proper training should never be underestimated. From Meetings & Incentive Travel…

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Sustainable Agency: Legacy by Nature, Legacy by Name

The Iceberg doesn’t usually focus on the activities of individual agencies working across the meetings and events sector. But it is hard not to notice one founded at the same time as our very own little platform celebrating business event legacy, particularly when that agency is actually called “Legacy”. From Meetings & Incentive Travel…

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Event Sustainability: Has the Emergency Already Been Sounded?

With a scientific consensus that we are already in a full-blown climate crisis, events are under widespread scrutiny for environmental impact. So are meetings now in a state of emergency? German Convention Bureau Director Matthias Schultze, UFI CEO Kai Hattendorf and Iceberg Founder James Latham are among the sector voices canvassed. From EventMB…

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Medical Meetings: Designing to Provide “Provider Wellness”

Workers in any industry can suffer from burnout, stress, anxiety and exhaustion. For those employed in the medical field, problems can be real and severe. So in the last few years planners have been designing medical meetings that provide some appropriate “provider wellness”, as well as more customary networking and education. From PCMA…

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Meetings Technology: Facilitating the Future of Face-to-Face

According to Jim Sharpe, the new CEO of Aventri, event technology is now far easier to use. Whether it’s using a WhatsApp group to stay in contact with event planners, or automating reporting to capture meeting metrics, technology is not only impacting carbon footprint but also changing and upskilling teams. From Meetings & Incentive Travel…

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Greg Newton

Executive Vice President, Conventions, Events & General Manager – BMO Centre, Calgary Exhibition and Stampede Limited

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Born in Toronto, Canada, Greg has divided his life between living in Calgary, Toronto and Ottawa. More than 25 years in the hospitality industry, Greg has spent time in Management of a high-end independent mountain resort property (The Rimrock Resort), Hyatt Hotels and the Intercontinental group before moving over to convention centres. Greg had the…

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Below the Waterline Talks: Association Meeting Legacy

The Iceberg is now identifying and celebrating the greater mass of hard-to-see business events legacies that lie hidden beneath the surface in a new podcast “Below the Waterline”. In the fourth of a series featuring significant meetings industry players, Iceberg founder James Latham catches up with BestCities Global Alliance Director of International Associations Jane Cunningham…

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Destinations and Medical Meetings: A Global Checkup

Destinations’ medical expertise wins them association meetings. This global checkup includes oncology in Copenhagen and Lyon, ENT medicine in Brisbane, child cardiology in Washington DC, pain management in Dublin, medical physics in Adelaide, women’s mental health in Maastricht, oesophageal disease in Tokyo and obesity in Glasgow. From AMI Intellectual Capitals…          

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The Destinations Powering Sustainable Energy Meetings

Many cities powering ahead in renewable energy have appropriate geographic or climatic conditions. But traditional oil and gas-rich destinations are also attracting meetings in the sector. Here’s how Abu Dhabi, Calgary and Singapore, plus Costa Rica, Norway, Monaco, Australia and New Zealand, are all meeting the shifts in power. From AMI Intellectual Capitals…

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Hamburg: Port to the World Plays the Music of Meetings

Germany’s second city, Hamburg, is “Port to the World”, and attracts maritime events as well as the renewable energies sector. Venue CCH (Congress Center Hamburg) reopens in 2020 to become the country’s largest conference facility. But the UK Institute of Acoustics drew on musical heritage for its own event. From Meetings & Incentive Travel…

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Sheffield: Forging New Legacy for a Stainless Steel Hub

Sheffield is the birthplace of stainless steel. Today the South Yorkshire UK city has a modern knowledge economy “making solutions to some of the worlds toughest problems”. World-class research centres and Marketing Sheffield’s ambassador programme are combining to attract targeted UK and international events. From Meetings & Incentive Travel…

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The Exhibition Industry and UN SDGs (2nd Edition, December 2019)

UFI, the global association of the exhibition industry, has updated its database of initiatives and projects from the exhibition industry that support the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations. This resource showcases work done by organisers, venues, and service providers alike. It was initiated by the UFI Working Group on Sustainability and put together…

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Corporate Travel Spend Hits Five-Year High

The number of corporate travel buyers forecasting bigger budgets for 2020 is now at a five-year high, according to annual research from the Business Travel Show. 41 percent of buyers said they would have more money to spend on travel in 2020, a rise from 33 percent last year. From Meetings & Incentive Travel…

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