Sector: Venues

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Basel: Hosting the 17th European AIDS Conference

Research on HIV and AIDS is continually evolving, and at the 17th European AIDS Conference just held at Congress Centre Basel, attendees had a chance to discuss and learn more about the latest scientific developments. Switzerland’s third-largest city is one of the country’s prime locations for association conferences. From Boardroom…

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Prague: Saving Lives at the 13th EUSEM Congress

Doctors and rescue workers have just met in record numbers at the 13th Congress of the European Society for Emergency Medicine, in EUSEM’s 25th year. More than 2,500 specialists filled the Prague Congress Centre, with the biggest delegations coming from the USA and UK, where the specialty is over 50 years old. From Association Meetings International…

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How Canada’s National Meetings Strategy is Driving Regional Economic Growth

The impact of the meetings, incentive, conference and exhibition (MICE) industry on the Canadian economy has always been significant, relating to short-term delegate expenditure and long-term job growth and economic development. These types of business events are also an ideal way to counteract seasonality because international business events take place throughout the year, ensuring a…

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AIF Festival Congress: Carbon Neutral “First”

The Association of Independent Festivals has just returned to the city of Sheffield for its annual Festival Congress. The two-day meeting is claiming to be the first travel carbon neutral events industry conference. Organisers have worked with Energy Revolution to balance emissions with investment in projects creating clean and renewable power. From Meetings & Incentive Travel…

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Edinburgh Hosts Global Incentive Summit

The Global Incentive Summit in Edinburgh just saw incentive travel buyers, plus representatives from hotels, destinations and destination management companies, gather together to hear the latest trends in the incentives market. The meeting discussed the rise in Asia Pacific business and the findings of the Incentive Travel Industry Index. From Meetings & Incentive Travel…

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Meeting Talks Brexit: Brexit Did Not Attend

On the very day Prime Minister Boris Johnson promised the UK would be leaving the European Union “do or die” (October 31st, and spoiler alert, it did not), the European Tourism Association gathered over 100 delegates from across leisure and business tourism to discuss Brexit’s impact on the sector. From Meetings & Incentive Travel…

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Melbourne Wins 2022 Obesity Congress

The Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre is to host the 2022 International Congress on Obesity. The winning bid was secured by the Melbourne Convention Bureau, with input also from the Australia & New Zealand Obesity Society and support from Victoria’s State Government and Tourism Australia’s Business Events Bid Fund Programme. From Association Meetings International…

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NZICC Fire Won’t Stop 2021 APEC Meeting

A major fire at the New Zealand International Convention Centre construction site in Auckland’s central business district will not prevent the city hosting the APEC Leaders Week event in 2021, says the country’s Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern. But NZICC’s opening, set for 2020, will be significantly delayed by the blaze. From Association Meetings International…

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58th ICCA Congress Held in Houston

With almost 1,000 senior meetings professionals and association event planners from 75 countries coming to Houston, Texas, the recent 58th Congress of Iceberg partner ICCA, the International Congress and Convention Association, was the largest ever held in North America. The event is one of the industry calendar’s most significant. From Meetings & Incentive Travel…

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Chile Protest Violence Cancels Meetings

Weeks of anti-government protests in Chile have forced the embattled President Piñera to cancel both this month’s APEC trade summit and COP25 UN climate conference in December. The 2019 Cochrane Colloquium,a major healthcare meeting, was also due to be held in Santiago, but the growing death toll has forced its cancellation. From Association Meetings International…

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Accessibility: Barriers Still to Overcome for Disabled Delegates

“The majority of disabled people don’t travel to conferences because they expect their needs will not be met”. So says Alan Broadbent, an accessibility writer and consultant to the events industry. Three examples of inclusivity, a venue (ICC Wales), a meeting (Glasgow’s IASSIDD World Congress) and a city (Dubai), are analysed. From Association Meetings International…

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The Inaugural Africa Association Summit Staged in Nairobi

Over 100 association executives from seven African countries have just gathered in the Kenyan capital Nairobi for the inaugural Africa Association Summit (AAS1). The two-day event was run by the African Society of Association Executives, in partnership with the Kenyatta International Convention Centre. AfSAE President Jeffers Miruka reports. From Boardroom…

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New Luxembourg CVB Looks to Double Major Meetings by 2024

Business Events Luxembourg was created at the end of 2018 by the Ministry of the Economy of the Grand Duchy and the City of Luxembourg. It is the convention bureau for a destination striving to attract meetings in the government defined key sectors for economic growth: automobility, ICT, space, cleantech and life sciences. From Boardroom…

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First Plant Based World Conference & Expo Lays Down Roots

The trend toward plant-based diets has made headlines recently, and this June the first Plant Based World Conference & Expo launched at the Javits Center in New York City. The inaugural event welcomed 3,737 attendees, including professionals from retail, specialty restaurant and food service, healthcare and distributors. From PCMA…

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Food Waste, the Events Industry and Feeding the Planet: Part II

One of the biggest takeaways from the World Wildlife Fund’s research into ending food waste occurring in commercial kitchens was the need to clearly better communicate with meeting planners about the multiple ways in which they can reduce food waste. So says Monica McBride of WWF, who lists some approaches to follow. From PCMA…

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Food Waste, the Events Industry and Feeding the Planet: Part I

It’s clear that food production and consumption needs to change, and radically, to safeguard the planet and feed a growing population. The best place to start for the business events industry is with food waste, and now the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) has been working on food conservation in convention centre kitchens and hotels. From PCMA…

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UFI’s Next Generation of Leaders Grant 2019 Winners: Part II

Every year Iceberg partner UFI, the global association of the exhibition industry, gives young and emerging sector talent the chance to advance via its Next Generation of Leaders Grant sponsored by Freeman. In the second of two-parts, the last two of the five 2019 awardees talk about what NGL mentoring means for them. From UFI…

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Bolzano: Peak Knowledge Piques Meetings Success

Every destination has a story to tell and specialist knowledge to attract international meetings. For the South Tyrollean capital Bolzano, with its significant existing tourism business as skiing destination, intellectual capital has also developed around local geography. Eurac is a private research cluster headquartered in the destination. It boasts eleven institutes of different disciplines, including one…

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Intellectual Capitals: South Africa’s Knowledge Horizons

South Africa boasts the most advanced broad-based economy in the continent, and meetings business across Johannesburg, Cape Town and Durban which includes the 5th BRICS Summit, COP17 and the recent World Economic Forum on Africa. Clusters include healthcare and ICT, the $233 million MeetKAT radio telescope also leading in astronomy. From AMI Intellectual Capitals…

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Calgary: Life Sciences and Healthcare Meetings Hub

Calgary has seen steady growth in life sciences and healthcare, with research clusters spread across the city and a vibrant ecosystem of over 200 companies in the sector, both start-up and mature. Association conferences in the field have seen the potential impact their meetings can have in Calgary, and have consequently been piling up. From Boardroom…

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RAI Amsterdam: A Neighbour’s Social Impact

RAI Amsterdam is a venue that considers itself more of a neighbour than a conventional conference centre. It works closely with organisers to limit noise and traffic congestion, and looks for opportunities to give back to its local community. These include encouraging donations to social initiatives, especially of the venue’s own surplus food. From Boardroom…

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