Sector: Virtual

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The Shape of Events

The Business Visits and Events Partnership, the umbrella body and advocacy group representing the UK events sector, has published its Shape of Events report. The study was compiled using responses from over 300 professionals and organisations from across the UK events sector and authored by Richard Smith from Team Tourism Consulting and John Gallery, Chair…

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Healthcare Professionals on Virtual Events 2021

Kenes Group made a comparative study contrasting the results of two separate surveys, one carried out in July 2020 and the latest in July 2021. The 2020 version included 809 past delegates from 112 countries on six continents and, the 2021 version had 1,015 past participants, that have attended at least one virtual event, from…

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DestinationNEXT 2021 Futures Study

The DestinationNEXT Futures Study identifies the trends and opportunities that will shape the future of the industry and takes place every other year. The 2021 update to the DestinationNEXT Futures Study, built on the learnings from the 2014, 2017 and 2019 Futures Studies, helps determine updated trends and strategies that will keep the thousands of destination organisations around the…

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UK Industry Value Falls From £17.6bn to £1.7bn

The latest UK Conference and Meeting Survey throws into stark relief the huge toll of the pandemic upon the industry. The 28th annual UKCAMS report shows a drop of 86 percent in 2020-held conferences and meetings compared with 2019. The estimated sector value fell from £17.6 billion to £1.7 billion. From Meetings & Incentive Travel…

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JMIC Launches Net Zero Carbon Pledge

The global meetings industry is being urged to join together in an historic pledge to achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2050. JMIC (Joint Meetings Industry Council), which presents The Iceberg, has launched an initiative called Net Zero Carbon Events to connect the industry to the growing movement to radically reduce emissions. From Association Meetings International…

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Pandemic Partnerships: CVBs, DMOs and EDOs Working Together

The pandemic has given convention bureaux a fresh chance to partner with their economic development agencies to benefit the destination over the short and long term in new and often fruitful ways. In fact, this is one of three central trends identified in the DestinationNEXT 2021 Futures Study just released. From PCMA…

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AMI Summit: Experts Discuss the Future of Association Meetings

Cancelling in person meetings has forced association planners to tear up the script over the last eighteen months. But what will happen next? In this launch of a series of quarterly summits, expert panellists discuss questions most asked about the future of association meetings. James Lancaster hosts. From Association Meetings International…

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Study Finds Healthcare Practitioners Want High Quality Virtual Content

Nearly all healthcare practitioners list “high-quality content” as their most important factor in deciding whether to attend virtual events. So says an updated survey from Kenes Group. But fewer HCPs are now able to take time off for such events, and more say fees should be half those of in person meetings. From PCMA…

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Set off, offset: What to Do With Carbon on Your Conscience

Journalist Holly Patrick’s recent fam trip to Madrid came with a carbon dioxide footprint of 241.8kg, also equivalent to charging up a phone 29,000 times. So how did she offset the environmental price tag of flying there, and what options are available for event attendees with carbon on their conscience? From Meetings & Incentive Travel…

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Requiring Vaccination: Everything Organisers Need to Know (US)

With ongoing cases of COVID-19, full federal approval of the Pfizer vaccine, and new federal vaccine mandates covering workers, more associations are considering adding a vaccine mandate to their in person events. Here’s what organisers need to know about legal considerations, about verifying vaccination, as well as about state mandate bans. From Associations Now…

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In Person at Last: GIAF Draws Sixty European Associations Together

Postponed a few times for obvious reasons after having been staged online in 2020, the GIAF (Geneva International Association Forum) was the first physical association event of the kind post-lockdown. Delegates were certainly happy to be together again seeing old friends and making new ones. But the event programme also did not disappoint. From Boardroom…

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How HIMSS21 Handled Attendee Vaccine Verification (II)

The Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society held its 2021 Global Health Conference and Exhibition in Las Vegas with a vaccine mandate. The event drew over 700 exhibitors and close to 19,000 in person delegates by the end, with almost as many attending online. Here’s more on how HIMSS managed the vaccine policy. From PCMA…

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Events UnPaused: The Five-Part Podcast from Maritz Global Events

An exploration of how the COVID crisis has impacted the meetings industry, Iceberg partner Maritz Global Events’ five-part podcast “Events UnPaused”, presented by President David Peckinpaugh, is chock-full of insights. The final episode is called “The Future of Events and Where the Industry Is Going”. From PCMA…

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Forward to our Future: 60th ICCA Congress Heads to Cartagena

The 60th Annual ICCA Congress will take the global association meetings industry to Cartagena in Colombia under the banner “Forward to our Future”. The Iceberg partner event established the Kaohsiung Protocol (pictured), a framework document for the industry, in 2020, and 2021 maintains a collaborative approach to reinventing business operations. From the Event…

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Associations in Society: Contributing to the Wider Social Good

The intersecting crises of the pandemic, climate change and increasing inequality are compelling associations to repurpose and serve not just their members but society itself as well. This includes making commitments about sustainability, ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) and the UN SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals). From Boardroom…

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Reimagining Business Events Through COVID-19 and Beyond

The pandemic offers an opportunity for the business events industry to reinvent itself, according to a recently published white paper jointly presented by PCMA, Singapore Exhibition and Convention Bureau, Singapore Tourism Board, and Iceberg partner UFI, global association of the exhibition industry. But the paper, Reimagining Business Events Through COVID-19 and Beyond doesn’t make light of…

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COVID-19 Recovery Dashboard (June 14th – 17th)

World of Concrete 2021 from June 7th to 10th attracted over 58,000 registered professionals and hosted more than 1,564 leading industry suppliers across more than 746,000 net square feet of exhibit space at the Las Vegas Convention Center, according to Other estimates put that number closer to 30,000, but one thing is true. With…

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ICCA Annual Statistics Study 2020

The past year has transformed the way the international association meetings industry does business. As a result, the International Congress and Convention Association has also reinvented its 2020 ICCA Statistics Report on the association meetings market. The Iceberg partner has prepared this latest iteration of the study with a more holistic and accurate representation of the…

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COVID-19 Recovery Dashboard (May 17th – 20th)

In a surprise move, just days before PCMA invited the business events community to participate in its May COVID-19 Recovery Dashboard, the US Center for Disease Control and Prevention recommended that fully vaccinated individuals no longer had to wear masks outdoors and indoors, except in hospitals, on public transit and other specified places. CDC’s latest…

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COP26 Chief Flies to Thirty Countries

It has been revealed that COP26 President Alok Sharma has taken flights to 30 countries over the last seven months. The UK government minister running the UN’s climate change conference in Glasgow has been accused of hypocrisy, racking up tens of thousands of air miles in quick succession. From Association Meetings International…

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