Tag: BESarawak

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BESarawak and UNIMAS Collaborate on First Impact Studies in Malaysia

From TTG mice: Sarawak’s business events legacy takes a significant step forward as Business Events Sarawak (BESarawak) and Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS) combine forces to develop the first economic and legacy impact study of its kind in Malaysia. The partnership between BESarawak and UNIMAS will see two key projects implemented – an Economic Impact Study;…

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BESarawak Hosts Inaugural ICCA Association Masterclass

In a three-part video report from the Legacy Capital of Malaysia, #Meet4Impact’s Geneviève Leclerc and GainingEdge Chairman, Gary Grimmer, share the journey of the inaugural 2-day ICCA Association Impact Masterclass, hosted by the Sarawak Ministry of Tourism and funded by BESarawak, led by CEO, Amelia Roziman. Leclerc and Grimmer emphasize the importance of establishing the…

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Sarawak Releases IJBEL Special Edition on Sustainability at IMEX

From Business Events Sarawak: The International Journal of Business Events and Legacies (IJBEL) Strategic Advisory Tripartite has launched the special edition of the journal today at IMEX Frankfurt. Volume 2 Issue 2 of IJBEL focuses on sustainability and underscores the dedication to promoting sustainable practices within the business events industry. IJBEL is the first international…

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Unlocking Government Support the Sarawak Way

Chief Executive Officer of Business Events Sarawak and The Iceberg Ambassador Amelia Roziman ABS CIS combines with GainingEdge Chairman, Gary Grimmer, to share the success of her organisation as she prepares to host of the first ever ICCA Association Impact Masterclass being held in Kuching in April. Alignment to the 10-Year Development Strategy of the…

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26 April 2024

Association Impact Masterclass, Sarawak, Malaysia

Co-created by ICCA, Meet4Impact and GainingEdge, the Association Impact Masterclass is a new groundbreaking training programme, aligning seamlessly with the ICCASkills certification programme. This initiative will add valuable enhanced capabilities to the skillsets of association professionals worldwide, enabling them to design, deliver, and measure the impacts of their activities. Associations play a crucial role globally…

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ICCA Heads to Sarawak for Association Impact Masterclass

At IBTM World in Barcelona, the architects of the ICCA Association Impact Masterclass confirmed that the educational is to take place in Kuching from 25-27th April. A 2-day immersive educational designed and delivered by GainingEdge and #Meet4Impact, the Masterclass is appropriately being unveiled in the ‘Legacy Capital’ of Malaysia and Borneo and hosted by its…

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Delegation to Elevate Sarawak’s Business Events at Convening Leaders

From Business Events Sarawak: Dato Sri Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah, the Honourable Minister for Tourism, Creative Industry, and Performing Arts in Sarawak, launches Sarawak into 2024 by leading a delegation of 29 industry partners to position Sarawak prominently in the global business events market at the PCMA (Professional Convention Management Association) Convening Leaders 2024 in…

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