Tag: Martin Sirk

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Itā€™s Not You, Itā€™s Meā€¦ No, Itā€™s Us!

From Boardroom, by Martin Sirk: Why do individuals (and the always small number of individuals making decisions on behalf of organisations) decide to join associations? Why do they stay, and more importantly, why do they leave? The generally accepted analysis focuses on the range of services offered by the association, the cost of access, andā€¦

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Martin Sirk and the Crystal Ball

If associations donā€™t adapt, then theyā€™ll be at the mercy of competitive forces claims Martin Sirk speaking from the IBTM World Association Leaders Forum hosted by the European Society of Association Executives (ESAE). The intellectual source-code to The Iceberg and owner of Sirk Serendipity is the international advisor to the Global Association Hubs Partnership (GAHP)ā€¦

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The Joy of a Promiscuous Partnership Philosophy

Global Association Hubsā€™ International Advisor Martin Sirk argues that associations would benefit from a more uninhibited and broadminded approach to their strategic relationships: Of all the conference formats Iā€™ve facilitated, none is more eye-opening and intellectually humbling than a ā€œwisdom of crowdsā€ workshop. The collective knowledge of a group of competent professionalsā€¦ From Boardroomā€¦

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In Praise of ā€˜Association Intelligenceā€™

From ESAE: This article by Martin Sirk, International Advisor to our Partners at Global Association Hubs Partnership, explores the pitfalls of chasing the latest business trends and highlights the untapped potential of Association Intelligence. It highlights how Associations can leverage their unique attributes to build long-term success and offer genuine value in a world obsessedā€¦

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Destinations as the Driving Force of a Conference

In this podcast, Bregje Frens talks to Martin Sirk, a vibrant conversation about the biggest challenges and opportunities for associations, how the relationship between destinations and associations have evolved over the last years and about the initiative of the Global Association Hubs Partnership (GAHP). From Conferliā€¦

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22 June 2023

Associations & Artificial Intelligence | Part 2: Beyond ChatGPT

Join Kamilia Amdouni from CyberPeace Institute, MigueI Neves, Editor-in-chief at Skift Meeting & Martin Sirk, International Advisor at Global Association Hubs Partnership on 22nd June for an hour of lively discussion about some of the big issues, opportunities & challenges facing associations in the era of AI!

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Global Association Hubs Agrees Partnership with ASSOCIATIONWORLD

The worldā€™s leading regional hubs for international association activity ā€“ Brussels, Dubai, Singapore & Washington DC ā€“ are teaming up with one of worldā€™s largest communities of association professionals and volunteer leaders to create a series of thought-provoking and perspective-changing online events, designed to help associations navigate the ever-more challenging, hyper-competitive and fast accelerating businessā€¦

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The Unspoken Secret to Good Governance

International Advisor to Global Association Hubs Martin Sirk argues that people rather than processes have by far the greatest impact on outcomes. Books, articles, case studies and panel discussions on this topic almost never examine the destructive potential of a single ā€œbad governorā€ with influence over the associationā€™s levers of power. From Boardroom Globalā€¦

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